This is how Germans rename their streets

    by mobileka


    1. From an article about the renaming:

      >The name of Manteuffelstraße goes back to the politician Otto Theodor von Manteuffel (1805-1882). In his function as Prussian Minister President, he resolutely rejected the motions of the first democrats in the state parliament.

      I have to say that I definitely prefer the black lesbian activist.

    2. Tbh that renaming of streets, schools, kindergartens, etc. just because a famous person or artist was acting according to the moral status of his time that doesn’t match today’s thinking is totally ridiculous.

    3. 5OOOWattBasemachine on

      Even before looking this up I already knew this must be in Berlin. Stupid ass city. 

    4. AvailableUsername404 on

      Apart from the names itself (I don’t know who both of them are to be honest) it looks like a good practice to keep old street name for a while for people to adjust.

    5. coffeequeer17 on

      Maybe *you* only know about Anne Frank because you and those around you think it’s appropriate to joke about her death and Nazis, but her diary is assigned reading in many classes. As is learning about the Holocaust in general. We’re not going to forget it happened because edgy people can’t make insensitive jokes.

    6. Unrelated, but I love Euro truck simulator and the exits(I guess) are labeled as Ausfahrt and as a kid(when it initially came out) I laughed every time for how it may sound.

    7. CerebralMessiah on

      Why name it after an American?

      It’s not like Germany or Berlin lack notable people.

    8. Ah there is a video about that street (in german)

      The city of Berlin decided to rename a part of the street but didn’t inform the people living there. So mail and packages were not delivered anymore, people needed to update their IDs and so on.
      And then later, the city decided to also update the street numbers to start from 1 again.
      So somebody living in Manteuffelstr. 56 was first living in Audrey Lorde Str 56 only to now live in let’s say Audrey Lorde Str 28

      So the confusion is complete and there is Audrey Lorde Str with old and new numbers.

      Pretty much a dick move from the city.

    9. I visited Eastern Europe in the 90s as they were adapting to life after Soviet domination. Signs like this were EVERYWHERE.

    10. A road in the town I grew up in was majorly reworked and widened. I suppose it was funded by someone local as they renamed them road to a name form the original. No one called it by that name and it only served to confuse people new to the area as we’d all call it by the original name. Finally the city just put a second sign up that said “Formerly…”.

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