He wasn’t complaining when James Comey did this to Hillary.

    by GuiltyBathroom9385


    1. This case could have been tried and done with months ago if it wasn’t for Trump’s delays and a corrupt Supreme Court.

    2. As a moderate, I’ve read all of these posts and have seen the pics of boxes in the bathroom and I’m just not sure… /s

    3. Barkingpanther on

      Well that’s because Trump is as pure as the driven snow and everybody knows that Crooked Hillary is as corrupt as Barack HUSSEIN Obama.

      -the best words

    4. To be clear, this is nothing like what Comey did. This has been an ongoing case since before Trump was nominated.

    5. Ok so MAGA doesn’t want to “censor” disinformation but wants to make sure the truth isn’t exposed until after the election. These people are exhausting!

    6. It was released by a judge, and it would have been released much earlier were it not for Trump’s legal team delaying things.

    7. Comey swung the election for the felon and rapist with his late-hour Hillary email announcement.

      Seems the senile old felon doesn’t like it when he’s on the other end of things

    8. Same energy as the people who defended Brian Kemp administering and then certifying his own gubernatorial election in Georgia and howled about how rigged it was when Katie Hobbs did the same thing in Arizona.

      It’s like the  *”Your Honor, I object!” “Why?” “Because it’s devastating to my case!”* scene from “Liar Liar” playing out in real life.

    9. negativepositiv on

      Ah, yes, the documents case, which was dismissed by a loyalist judge he appointed. That totally proves his innocence.

    10. His intern needs to learn that he doesn’t use proper grammar like this. He would never use an oxford comma. Or this amount of punctuation.

      Whoever writes this stuff has to have a miserable job.

    11. Trump hit the campaign trail in the closing days of his campaign against Hillary more than happy to talk about f*ckface Comey saying the FBI was taking another look at Anthony Wiener’s laptop and things regarding Hillary.
      Trump stated that the FBI reopened their investigation and they don’t do things like that unless crimes were committed. That all but finished Hillary’s chances at winning. So Trumpy had no complaints back then.

    12. Comprehensive-Ad4815 on

      The MSM keeps putting out article on how “trump fumes.” Or “trump reacts to…”

      Nobody should care what a criminal’s reaction to a prosecutor is. Most criminals are not happy when their crimes are bundled up and presented neatly. Even his base can understand the simple yet effective statement placed by Jack Smith.

    13. Master_Shoulder_9657 on

      this isn’t the same thing that James Comey did. James Comey just announced an investigation which inevitably turned up with no evidence. This filing is an outline of the findings in the investigation into Trump‘s illegal dealings trying to overturn the election, and it was not released by Jack Smith, but due to normal court proceedings was released by the judge overseeing the case in preparation for public hearings

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