Knee capping the supply chain like a bookie is straight gangster

    by Lively420


    1. This guy, Harold Daggett, is a friend of Trump’s. He is doing this before the election to make the current administration look bad. It’s not being gangster it’s domestic terrorism.

    2. farmersdogdoodoo on

      Not everything comes on a boat, buy American! Car lots are full jeep dodge rams come get em!

    3. This guy is a douchebag, crippling the economy for “your union” is a dick move and should be tried criminally.

      Bring the robotics and full automation and cut all the workers.

    4. Of all the unions, this one has the least claim. Those jobs are disappearing to automation, not offshoring. They already make up to $200k because their ranks are so thinned out. This is not a winning strategy.

    5. SliceNDice432 on

      They picked a REALLY bad time for this. People in multiple states left with nothing but the dirty shirt on their back. People missing. No power. No food. And they want to bring the country to its knees. Selfish.

    6. nankerjphelge on

      Congratulations pal, you just made the strongest case possible to the country why we need to automate our ports just like other major countries already have and not let our economy be held hostage to economic strongmen.

    7. Ring_Tha_Bell_97 on

      Let’s automate the ports! This guy is such a prick; the east cost is reeling from natural disasters and the economy is finally in a position to strengthen as rates cut… and he wants to handicap all of America? Unions are a joke.

    8. I saw a video of ships being unloaded in China. It looked almost automated, machines doing a lot of the work. I’m sure there was a human being controlling it (or maybe not), but the short video made it look somewhat efficient.

      I don’t know what these longshoremen guys make, and I don’t know how often they get a pay increase, but if it’s anything like the Industry I work in, it probably isn’t often enough and probably doesn’t keep up with the increased cost of living these days.

      It’ll be interesting the next few weeks to see if it’s as bad as this guy says it’ll be. Stores closing, malls not being open, nobody selling cars – building materials sounds like a tough one.

    9. Biden doesn’t believe in Taft-Hartley because he supports unions. This guy is a thug clown

    10. I lean left as fuck and that means worker rights and being pro unions, but fuck this asshole!

    11. Distinct-Salt-3479 on

      Yea let’s close the oil taps and stop the plants we can all suffer together

    12. Automation.

      Automation will win.

      Its the sad truth. Over the next few years a lot of ppl will be hurting and looking for jobs

    13. Kitchen-Wing888 on

      Automating Loading and Discharging of containers is relatively easy since everything about it is standardized. (Like the videos from China. There are many other places that have automized ports as well) I feel the problem is everything other than containers. Unless someone comes up with a way to automate that, these longshoremen/stevedores should still have a job; although there might be more supply and less demand for them.

    14. I hope their strike goes well and makes it so they can negotiate anti-automation in their contracts along with fairer working conditions.

    15. You got no rights through peace and inaction. Almost every right you have as an employee was fought and paid for in blood by union members. If you create an economy that requires international shipping you pay for it, pure and simple. These employees should extract everything they can just like companies and stockholders bilk consumers for everything they can.

      The biggest problem we have is owners are not afraid of labor, start stringing up some CEOs and majority stock owners and things might be able to get better.

    16. badgermushroombadger on

      This guy has some balls. He’s in the pocket of the Genovese crime family and thinks it’s 1977.

    17. Bob_Cobb_1996 on

      “You know what the trouble is, Brucey? We used to make shit in this country, build shit. Now we just put our hand in the next guy’s pocket.”

      – Frank Sobotka

    18. Their jobs are going to die out. Asking for 77% raise is going to speed up the robots. LA is largely robotic now.

    19. As much as I’m pro-union, these fuckers come off as greedy Luddites. Get with the future bro, the truth is there are other ports across the globe that do WAY more with WAY less overhead. efficiency isn’t political…

    20. Fire them. Automate. Hire new, Send military and national guard to transition.

      Screw this guy.

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