The True Alpha Pet……….

    by acrane433


    1. John-Fefin-Zoidberg on

      My little Chihuahua isn’t afraid of any of our three cats that are 2-3x her size. We have another dog that’s probably 10x her size and she bosses it around. She *IS* the alpha dog in our household. 🤣

    2. Dogs communicate a ton through their eyes. Just look at the eyes. It’s hysterical. Lmao

    3. Rico-soul_Light on

      Yoo the reaction is over the top lol. I would never have guessed they trembled or screamed to that extent. Poor poochies lol. Oh yea and those eyes 👀 lmaooo

    4. UnyieldingConstraint on

      My dog has won a staring contest with a mature, fully antlered buck in the forest, never reacts to fireworks and couldn’t care less about vacuums, but she will do whatever it takes to stay out of a cat’s way.

    5. Someone once told me “don’t fight crazy”

      Dogs know this.

      Mine isn’t afraid of cats, he’ll chase cats that run (it’s the toy that throws itself!) but cats that ignore him he doesn’t chase.

    6. The cats get up to something when the humans are away. They give dogs a PowerPoint presentation: “5 Ways I Could F- You Up, Pooch!”

    7. Many of those are well trained dog that have dealt with asshole cats. Because they’re well trained they don’t kill the cats that hurt or threaten them despite having the power to do so. If those dogs did attack the cats they’d get in trouble, maybe even put down depending on local laws, while many cat owners will just laugh if their cat attacks a dog, even if they own the dog as well.

      Poor puppers deserve better than being treated like this.

    8. Best case for scenario for the dog is he avoids getting scratched, worst case he goes all in fighting the cat, wins and destroys the cat, gets scratched up badly, potentially loses an eye and risks being kicked out of his home.
      Imagine a no win situation against a bully you could beat, but in winning would lose more.

    9. C137RickSanches on

      Cats claws are very sharp, sliced my pit bulls nose when I was a kid. The cat did not survive as the pit bull did not care. Random cat attacked pit bull as mom was walking it. That poor dog at the end was shaking so bad:

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