When you lose Fox News…

    by UnlikelyAdventurer


    1. “After eight years of having our heads wedged deeply up his rank, swollen backside, we are left with no choice but to emerge for air.”

    2. ***Breaking News***- That thing everyone has been saying for at least the past 3 years is true

    3. This could be a sign that Republicans know he’s not gonna win, So now it’s time to get Trump ostracized, Get the party out of his tiny tiny paws, and rebuild.

    4. We’re learning now. We’re a bit slow but we had to adapt to being taken to the cleaners by Dominion. 

    5. Cavuto has always been closer to actual straight news. If it were Hannity or Gutfeld or Waters saying this I’d be surprised.

    6. Welcome to the October Surprise. America rise up and vote every treasonous anti-American Republican out of office

    7. Substantial_Ad_7027 on

      “We’re learning that trump resorted to crime in a bid to cling to power “

      To which any sane person responds- *well, duh*

    8. coffeespeaking on

      Trump resorting to CRIME, you say? Now I’ve heard everything. /s.

      (Fuck the entire Trump crime family.)

    9. EditorRedditer on

      I watched Fox News in the UK avidly, ever since 9/11 (not as a fan, more out of disbelief).

      Gradually I saw Cavuto change from a manic pro-Republican cheerleader, to someone with genuine doubts as to where things like ‘The Project for a New American Century’ (remember that?) were taking the country.

      Not surprised that he anchored *this* revelation…

    10. #you are just now “learning” he “resorted to crime”???

      I guess when you stick your fingers in your ears and bury your head in the sand, occasionally you still have to come up for oxygen.

    11. jl_theprofessor on

      1. Eyyy Bluesky getting quoted now instead of Twitter. Come join us.

      2. Neil Cavuto has never liked Trump.

    12. Neal Cavuto is an actual journalist that has pushed back on the insane narrative on far more than one occasion. I suspect he and Hannity are not friends.

    13. Dangerous_Elk_6627 on

      You’re just now “learning ?

      He’ll, the majority of the country nlknew through Convicted Felon committed crimes. Jack Smith is just laying out the evidence for the court.

    14. “Hello, you’ve reached Fox News. To make a death threat, please press 1. For a bomb threat, please press 2. For others, please hold.”

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