Stay woke

    by detox02


    1. Imagine the YouTubers trying to figure out how to game the algorithm by making it be exactly 14 minutes or something.

    2. UnusualFerret1776 on

      Dumbest trend in hiring ever. It defeats the entire point of an interview. If you as an employer can be assed to take time out your day to interview me yourself, I’m going to assume you can’t time out of the day to give a shit about me as an employee either.

    3. diamond_sapphire on

      I remember putting in like 20-30 applications a day, only having $300 in my account, and even then, I wasn’t desperate enough to do this mess

    4. Stellar_Alchemy on

      I like my current job but occasionally apply around to see what I can reel in. The other day I applied for a position that turned out to require repeating my resume info. It required SSN, DOB, and an uploaded document for unofficial college transcripts. I tried leaving these blank but it wouldn’t let me continue without them. So I entered my SSN and DOB as all zeroes, and for the transcripts I uploaded a PDF that just contained a statement about not currently having mine (a lie), but that I can get them later if they’re a condition of employment — something like that.

      This was for a professional position at a state university.

    5. Crisis-Counselor on

      Where yall be finding all these weird ass job applications I ain’t had to do half the shit I people online talking about

    6. You got me all the way fucked up if you going to have me jumping through all these fucking hoops

      Didn’t people use to say college is enough? Haha. Apparently not.

    7. Illustrious-Switch29 on

      It’s so your employer can see if you’re fuckable or not. “No uglies in MY office!”

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