Bro ate his siblings💀

    by fahadssgcc


    1. CrimsonMorbus on

      No, your assumption is incorrect. Whipped cream is often used in the bedroom to be eaten off your partner. Also, honey works very well as it lasts longer and does not get used up in just one lick or suck.

    2. Mastershake54 on

      The real Holdup is the OP thinking this was not really whip cream. You ever heard of foreplay haha? That’s a weird mental leap there dude.

    3. Is it Weird that I find this kid just hateable? Watched it muted first, he still felt like the most annoying little shit ever

    4. There are a few subs this would be perfect for, but I can’t post them due to rule 1.

      But you can probably find it with autocomplete is you look for “opisf”

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