Every living president including GWB congratulates Jimmy Carter for his 100th birthday in this video – except one. Guess who?

    by CharyBrown


    1. We literally live in a world where a former president credibly accused of serious war crimes and who was seen as the most terrible president ever has more of a moral backbone than a certain other ex-president… and that guy is neck-and-neck for gaining the presidency, again!

      Why are we like this, America?

    2. SnooTangerines7525 on

      I am 62, and regret every single vote I have ever made. None of them kept their promises or did what they said they would. Except one. Guess which one

    3. Extreme-General1323 on

      If you want to hate Trump you should hate him for the fact that he’s the reason we’re going to have conservative SCOTUS decisions for the next 25 years. Personally I couldn’t be happier – but liberals are going to be losing their sh*t over SCOTUS decisions every year for the next 25 years. LMAO.

    4. Bush gave a brief assessment of Trump’s inaugural after leaving the dais: “That was some weird shit.”

    5. canneddynomite on

      Oh cool a bunch of War criminals said happy birthday to a completely irrelevant person and one other person didn’t. Worthless low IQ reddit scum.

    6. Secret_Cow_5053 on

      you know how Trump said Kamala has a mental disability?

      again: *every accusation is a confession.*

      trump is the first person elected president who is a legitimate nutcase.

    7. But you know when Carter passes he will show up at the state funeral just because there will be cameras there. He has the personality of a 12 year old bully

    8. fingerblast69 on

      Turns out that missing president also happens to be a gigantic piece of shit who will be the most disgraced president in American history 😀

    9. AutomaticPlane9782 on

      The lying 🍊🤡 who’s also a 34x convicted felon and adjudicated rapist? Just a guess. /s

    10. wallygatorz123 on

      He’s going to pass-on a lonely, broke convict in a jail cell somewhere and no one is going to care.

    11. mediumfisherman3 on

      Jimmy Carter pardoned a child sex offender
      Bill Clinton fucks kids
      Bush killed over 1 million Iraqis based on a lie
      Obama did more drone strikes than any president before him.

      Trump is a slimy idiot as well all you people have lost the plot I get you hate trump and orange man bad but how are you going to give a fuck about what any of these ass holes do or say.

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