Dog goes missing day before to show up 22 hours later at 4am.

    by uncle_russell_90


    1. iDontRememberCorn on

      Please tell me a bot wrote this headline, please. I cannot live in a world where a human strung those words together in that order.

    2. Upbeat-Try7409 on

      Why did I picture the train going by being driven by a similar looking dog and tipping his hat at the other dog as the train passed by

    3. Johnny_Poppyseed on

      I can generally sleep through almost anything, but living there would be brutal 

    4. My guess is that he went for a walk, someone found him and decided to adopt him and he either escaped or whoever found him decided to cut him loose.

    5. PitifulDurian6402 on

      My dog broke out and went missing for 11 days. I’d posted on our local lost and found page. Reached out to the shelter. Rode and walked the neighborhoods. I’d all but given up. Then I’m sitting there working from home one day and I hear slamming against the door. Opened it up and there was him and his massive noggin looking like he just went for a brief stroll.

    6. My rabbit did this. Ran out the door and came back the next day at 6am scratching at the glass slider.

    7. tacocat_back_wards on

      Why does this video give me such chills. I’m more scared watching this than most horror animations wtf. It’s probably that wendigo lookin thing by the bush.

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