JD Vance trying to relate to average Americans.

    by joelkeys0519


    1. lol seeing face palms in real time while Vance destroys the competition is funny as hell.

      I think I speak for everyone when I say we would rather have the VP’s as the primary candidates.

    2. Pm-me-bitcoins-plz on

      There are plenty of legitimate reasons to dislike this guy.

      This isn’t one of them.

      Don’t minimize folks’ struggles just because they’re dumb.

    3. what_would_freud_say on

      This wouldn’t be a facepalm except that he is going to try to destroy Social security for the rest of us if he gets into office.

    4. I’ll give him this, he’s a very good speaker… you can tell he does this for a living.

    5. EstablishmentUsed770 on

      “…and that’s why I want to cut entitlements like social security, because f*** you I got mine!”

      Finished it for him

    6. darth_hucklebuck on

      “Look…” is the new ‘pointing with your thumb’ for politicians. So slimy.

    7. Movedonnerlikeabitch on

      …”and anyway she died so fuck it lets cut it because now i have friends in high places”

    8. My favorite was Vance – I have family members with pre-existing conditions, who were able to get health insurance under Donald Trump. Yeah, moron, that was using the ACA which was passed by President Obama, and Trump tried and failed to eliminate it.

      Vance, if you want to be thankful that your relatives were able to get insurance, be honest and thank the real American, the late John McCain, who stopped Trump from eliminating the ACA.

    9. Trump is not happy that both vp candidates have conceded to agree on many fronts.

      It’s shows what we all know, Trump is the problem here.

    10. friendtoallkitties on

      Vance has done a great job of delivering a completely generic debate presentation.

    11. Otherwise_Carob_4057 on

      Walz did a fine job of explaining why Vance doesn’t understand pre Obama care healthcare.

    12. I’m not a Vance fan, but he was very well spoken and relatable tonight… Compared to things he’s said in the past.

    13. “My grandma needed social security, and we plan on repeal…. I mean I relate.”

    14. The_real_bandito on

      It’s too bad he is too normal. I wanted to see something stupid like what Trump did in his debate vs Harris.

    15. Didn’t he say that people without food are still able to give him God’s blessings and then transitioned to America being beautiful because of people like that?

    16. MixRevolution on

      Man, if the US votes trump and Vance into office, I truly believe that the USA will start becoming a real life Mad Max movie.

    17. ExploreTrails on

      He was raised on Welfare and his grandfather required Social Security help. All programs the selfish prick decided only he is entitled to.

    18. There’s a Dollop Episode on JD Vance that you should all listen to, American history meets comedy, this man is a farse

    19. wishiwuzbetteratgolf on

      Wasn’t it nice that your grandmother had that socialist program for assistance from the government in raising you?

    20. Affectionate-Bite109 on

      Libs in the comments are big mad at the performance of Walz tonight.

      Get over it. Kamala is the bar, and it’s pretty low as it is before Walz.

    21. PassengerNo1233 on

      He shot his wad on “Hillbilly Elegy” and it’s been a steady spiral into nothingness ever since.

      He was a fucking tourist in the state, for God’s sake. He’s about as Appalachian as a taco.

    22. Bartok_and_croutons on

      I don’t like him at all, but I do have to say this was a valid way to try and relate imo. It wasn’t well intended since he does want to decrease social security, but he does know what it’s like to live not just as an average American, but as an exceedingly poor American from Appalachia- the poorest region in the country. 

       His book Hillbilly Elegy is good, but I also don’t understand how tf one goes from that to what he is now. He and his family have said before they despise Trump, so how he goes from respectable guy to this is just… so disappointing.

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