While he was playing golf !🙄

    by monaleeparis


    1. Didn’t Trump literally withhold aid from
      NC a few years ago after they experienced something similar and Trump said nah because the governor didn’t see eye to eye with him

    2. Icy-Needleworker-492 on

      In your dreams.Nothing would be done.Just like his non response to COVID.Stop lying and supporting this would be dictator.We get that you will be fine if he gets to be
      dictator as long as you continue to betray your country for money.Traitor!

    3. Admirable_Remove6824 on

      Donny boy would not have been one of those people working any extra time. Especially not nights and weekends.

    4. Yeah. You’re right. He’d be preparing the nuclear launch codes to bomb the hurricane

    5. So we do or don’t want the individual states to take care of themselves. I can’t follow any longer.


    6. Oh it’s Faux News with some more propaganda…

      Deliberate misinformation like this, this close to elections, should be considered election interference.

    7. But instead the actual President was calling up FEMA and sending resources to areas that may be affected and instead of talking crap, is actually doing something.

    8. Ya, someone has to box up all those paper towels for Trump to throw at the lazy peasants when they come asking for help.

      Just ask the Puerto Ricans.

    9. Does anyone recall the almost 3000 people that died in the aftermath of hurricane Maria? Because I sure do.

      Trump’s lack of response, and actual interference in the response, is certainly partially to blame for those deaths.

    10. Ah yes, Donald Trump the dude who tried to block aid to California for wild fires because they didn’t vote for him and threw paper towels at Puerto Ricans after a hurricane.

    11. “Okay federal employees, collect as much paper towel as possible to clean up after this hurricane.”

    12. Fickle-Molasses-903 on

      If Trump had 100 people working on it, one person would be shopping for sharpie’s, and the other 99 people would try to figure out how to spin the blame on immigrants when Trump fails.

    13. You mean the disaster relief package that was signed into place on Friday and a majority of Anti-Americans (Republicans) said No to…. Those same people who are blasting this trash online, while they themselves voted against it…. makes sense

    14. duckfartchickenass on

      The people who hate socialism bragging that their anti-socialism candidate does better socialism than the candidate they claim is a socialist.

    15. Careless_Ad_2402 on

      Of course, if they weren’t MAGA idiots, they’d know that relief has already been allocated, but they obviously can’t get in there to fix shit until the water recedes. It’s not a magic wand – it’s supply chains that have yet to be built, and allocation stations that need to be set up, and insurance adjustment that needs to be done.

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