Lost in Translation

    by Inevitable_Car5496


    1. Comfortable-Map6282 on

      This whole experience with Israel and American media has been such a fiasco.

      For years, media experts, cultural analysts and humanitarians critiques the influence of extreme Israeli and Jewish influence in American media.

      But because so too did obscene bigots and anti-Semites, they were largely ignored – or worse, lambasted.

      What we have seen over the last 12 months has thrown open the curtains and I think people are finally noticing what a shit storm Israel’s influence in the west has become.

    2. Oof the Israeli troll farm is about to mass report everyone here for antisemitism and get this thread locked.

    3. I’m really curious how the poster and all the commenters would react to a bunch of rockets and a couple of ballistic missiles blowing up the surrounding houses? And would this be launched from several surrounding countries whose stated goal would be to kill every citizen in your country, including small children?

      I imagine they would immediately cry out for a deterrent counter strike… that’s what’s happening now.

    4. PerformanceSmooth392 on

      Just like all of a sudden, Lebanon isn’t a sovereign nation, according to the media. It’s now portrayed as Hezbollah, and of course, Israel ” has a right to protect itself.”
      So my question is this to the media, does anyone else in the region have the right to protect themselves?

    5. eatsrottenflesh on

      Israel reserves the right to defend their territory no matter who’s country it’s in. /s

    6. Exact-Genetics1 on

      This whole situation is fucked! What came first: the chicken or the egg? For centuries the Jews and Arabs of Palestine got along and then the Holocaust happened and most people decided that the Jewish people needed a homeland. When the Arabs in the area didn’t want to cede the land, which the Jewish people have a valid and legitimate claim to verified by the Bible, they took it by force. They slaughtered and forcibly relocated hundreds of thousands of Arabs. They both have valid claims to the land and the Arabs have a right to be enraged, but how both sides are behaving is counterproductive.

      The only solution that I see is a 2 state solution. But every time they get close to a deal some fucking crazy person shoots up a community center or synagogue, or blows something up or a new Israeli settlement in the West Bank is started and everyone pushes back from the table. It’s like they’re allowing the fucking lunatics dictate the conversation.

      Maybe we should just nuke the entire Holy Land so that nobody can live there at all. Maybe in 10,000 years they’ll have their acts together.🤷🏾‍♂️

    7. I mean the bottom line is the same as it has always been and always will be – All y’all gotta be willing to take the last punch and let by gones be by gones …

      You’d have to be a pretty sick person to think any sane person wants to pick a side between a bunch of baby killing extremists

    8. Massive_Pressure_516 on

      IDF rape of Gazan women and children:

      Multiple women raped in Hamas stronghold.

    9. Beginning_Shine_7971 on

      If Mexico started bombing the US on the 10th September in 2001 in celebration of 9/11 and called for the death of every American, I think America would probably have a not so nice reaction.

    10. FedorDosGracies on

      Hezb was planning a massacre and you’re mad at Israel for not letting it happen. SMH.

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