[OC] Weak correlation between school funding and assessments (Los Angeles)

    by PadraigHPearse

    1 Comment

    1. PadraigHPearse on

      California Proposition 98 requires the state to annually set aside a minimum amount of General Fund and local property tax revenue for public schools and community colleges. Whereas Proposition 98 establishes a minimum funding level, the Legislature decides how to allocate this funding among school and community college programs. About 80 percent of Proposition 98 funding to public schools is allocated through the LCFF, which was established in 2013.

      California allocates LCFF funding to school districts and charter schools based on their ADA—the average number of students in class each day throughout the school year. For funding purposes, the state credits school districts with their ADA in the current year, prior year, or the average of three prior years, whichever is higher.

      California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) assessments are an annual measure of what students know and can do using the Common Core State Standards for English language arts/literacy and mathematics. All students in grades three through eight and grade eleven take the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments unless a student’s active individualized education program (IEP) designates the California Alternate Assessments.




      Libre Calc, GIMP

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