With some real key buzzwords and a quintessential typo

    by pseud0science


    1. “Vaping saves lives!” This ad is like a microcosm of how far up their own ass the Trump chump’s head is.

    2. the_Russian_Five on

      This reminds me of when people called cigarettes “freedom torches.” In the 90s, when cigarettes became less accepted, tobacco companies tried to use the “torches of freedom” slogan that women used in the 20s to make it socially acceptable for women to smoke.

    3. Hopefully_Realistic on

      I saw the start of a YouTube ad for the “Crypto Vote”. Didn’t see who they endorsed but I would be surprised if it wasn’t the Republicans.

    4. EggplantGlittering90 on

      Literally a company trying to kill you saying to vote for them…🤦‍♂️🤦‍♀️🤦

    5. I was on the fence about which part I would support, but thanks to this flyer, I’m going to vote for democrats, and will encourage everyone I know to do so as well.

      Thanks conservatives!

    6. Meanwhile, the Republicans are doing everything they can to keep people from voting.

      Throwing people off the voting rolls, gerrymandering, demanding IDs, etc…

    7. RabidGuineaPig007 on

      two manuscripts published this month:

      1. Vaping damages DNA as bad as tobacco smoking


      2. Fruity vapes impede the immune response in lungs


    8. I uh… I’m pretty sure Dems don’t give two fucks about vaping. Like… we’re a party of harm reduction, of which vaping is a member.

    9. Yeah, well see, that’s what happens when you go ahead and market a consumable without getting formal authorization from the FDA. Those guys are just total party poopers. They don’t want you to have untested fruit and candy flavors in your chemical stew vape. They don’t let you add an extra tasty bite of methyl alcohol to your alcoholic beverages. And they won’t even let you add a little zesty mercury to your tuna when everybody knows that mercury oxide is red, and red is the color of immortality. Government overreach!!! It’s a conspiracy!!!!!

    10. The most reliable demographic for them is Old. The older, the better. Unfortunately, time and covid wreaked some havoc on that demographic since 2016. So they’re trying to replace the losses by aggressively pandering to young men. Angry and disaffected young men in particular.

      When one side is wooing CHUDs, that’s the side you don’t vote for. *Obviously*

    11. BluesSuedeClues on

      *”Bottom Line:* ***Vaping Saves Lives****”*

      Just shut the fuck up with this nonsense.

    12. Unfortunately this will for sure work

      That’s why I plan to target my political ads to heroine addicts

    13. SayNoToMAGAFascists on

      I’m getting these and some choice podcast ads about how Kamala and the Democrats are gonna take away my menthols. Paid for by Americans for Consumer Protection or some doublespeak name like that.

    14. Yes, the Democrats are fighting against…

      …*checks notes*

      big vape…

      …*checks notes again*

      …to not have Americans, especially the teens to not allow them to vape?

    15. LaughingAtNonsense on

      The party of kid fuckers is really something. Let’s randomly attack vaping as something the Democrats are trying to “steal”. They are too stupid to realize how irrelevant their party is.

      They want you to vape but not decriminalize weed. Pick a fucking lane ya weirdos.


    16. FootballImpossible38 on

      Hey folks!! These “ads” are not to be trifled with. And they shouldn’t be under politicalhumor… they are serious political propaganda and they do influence voters of certain segments. If you are a knowledge-free person who vapes and who is lead to believe that an upcoming election may abridge their right to do so, that may be all it takes to get their vote.
      I have seen similar very biased/utterly wrong signage on roadways with a pro-Trump catch-phrase followed by a lurid anti-Harris phrase. To anyone educated it seems comical but to many passersby it resonates.
      This is guerilla marketing at its best.

    17. Can somebody help me find the typo that OP is referencing? I’ve read this 4 times and can’t find it.

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