California has banned all legacy admissions

    by FalconLynx13


    1. YesWeHaveNoTomatoes on

      This is a response to having affirmative action banned. They’re still struggling to find ways to boost minority admissions into the UC system to match state demographics at least a little more closely.

    2. Good luck getting GOP run states to do this, for all that talk about meritocracy, it’s only blue states that are pushing to ban legacy admissions. It’s almost like the GOP never really cared about meritocracy.

    3. I will never forget some girl crying about not getting into a school and one of her reasons for why she should have gotten into the school is her parents and grandparents went there and she should get into too.

    4. flybyknight665 on

      Sounds good, hypothetically.
      But will they actually be enforcing this?

      Schools will continue to find workarounds to admit the children of their wealthy donors/alumni, particularly if there’s no auditing their admission system or consequences for not following the law.

    5. This was one of the subplots in the movie School Ties. The kids at the school were so concerned about getting into the right college because of their families, they let it turn them into bigoted douchebags

    6. williamtrausch on

      YES! Let’s see how the Trumplican Supreme Court weighs in on this public policy.

    7. What exactly will happen at USC, Pepperdine, Cal Tech, USD , Stanford etc if they don’t follow the rules ?

      I’m assuming UC and Cal State will just make this an admission rule – but what about private schools ?

      If there is no financial penalty and no actual enforcement, it’s not actually a rule/law

    8. OnBorrowedTimes on

      This will do more to improve the ideals of “meritocracy” at these postsecondary institutions of higher learning than banning “diversity” is even theoretically capable of.

    9. Rhymelikedocsuess on

      It’s not gonna pan out imo

      The reason why all those colleges have the funding they do is cause so-and-so millionaire/billionaire makes a sizable “donation” to get their child in

      If they can’t do that the funding stops and those tuitions are gonna skyrocket even further

      Which unfortunately means even less people getting in

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