When friends fall out, the truth comes out

    by UrbanCyclerPT


    1. Put up or shut up. Smells like Loomer is flailing for relevance now that she’s been excommunicated by the DonOLD.

    2. I mean … doesn’t MTG have a Democratic opponent who’s literally out there trying to get her fired and take her job like … right now?

    3. It is always the “I have damning evidence that will show that…” – but they NEVER share it.

      Come on Laura. Produce your Kraken.

    4. Throw them in a ring already. That cat fight will bring in millions and millions. Winner gets daddy Trump

    5. real talk, there is nothing anyone can have on a member of the GOP that will effect their reelection

    6. Angelas-Merkin on

      If MTG hasn’t driven herself out of office yet I doubt Loomer can say much that will.

    7. If she has information of a crime and doesn’t turn it in, even if it’s because she thinks nothing will happen, isn’t she just an accessory after the fact?

    8. Every fact about MTG is damning evidence that she should be in office but here we still are

    9. does Melania feel the impending knife in her back, coming her way, from loomer, who believes she is DonOld next wife?

    10. Russian_Gandalf on

      Now *that’s* a party that can come together and lead! Not like those divisive democrats…

    11. I always used to look back and think “I wonder what happened to the dumbfuck, mean-as-shit, always-a-bitch girls from highschool?”

      Now I know.

      It’s good to see them fight, though.

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