A snake’s decapitated head bites its separated body which feels the pain

    by yolifeisfun


    1. Who the fuck did that to the snake in the first place. Doesn’t look like an accidental injury.

    2. Was part of the brain still attached to the body? How did it feel pain without a head? How is the head still so alive? Way too many questions unanswered here

    3. Silvian_The_Shadow on

      I can’t see how the brain would feel pain since the brain tells the body what pain is. I assume it’s “phantom” pain? Like when someone’s born without an arm seeing a man’s arm that’s still connected to the body gets crushed by a hydraulic press feels that their arm is also getting crushed, but not really? I’m no scientist nor a neurologist, just a curious human.

    4. So there is basically pain in the body, but it doesn’t get to the head, so there isn’t any pain?

      TIL: I have no idea how snake biology works.

    5. Growing up in Australia and going ‘bush’ regularly we were taught that even a decapitated snake can bite and to be careful if you encounter one.

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