Trump: “And so the women thing. I did a great thing. They’ll understand. On the Roe v. Wade. I did a great thing”

    by MoreMotivation


    1. rockytheboxer on

      If I knew nothing else about this festering hemorrhoid, the second I heard him say, “The women thing” I’d know he was the kind of person I wouldn’t trust to make a sandwich, let alone make America great.

    2. Really love how this worthless mother fucker keeps gaslighting the public about his hand in stripping women of their reproductive freedoms.

    3. davidmlewisjr on

      When fat old Republican White Guys get together and lie to one another about the “good old days”, they are effectively brainwashing each other.

      Someone needs to drag this stupid old fart through the ruts of today’s reality. He is so out of touch, perhaps he is literally certifiable, and should be placed into involuntary custodial care, and have a conservator and guardian appointed…

      Let them be his wife. 🙏👍🏼🖖🏼

    4. Moppermonster on

      I like how he just openly admits it is about how he thinks women should think and act – and not about the fetus.

    5. He is so fuccin insufferably dumb. How do his supporters NOT see this?? The mass delusion is just insane.

    6. You guys think this is bad, just wait until you get down and dirty and to real knitty gritty with Trump supporters, the vast majority of them don’t think women should be allowed to vote.

    7. PapaGilbatron on


      …….and so they will, Dumpster. Your vote is toast.

    8. I don’t know much as a Canadian here but how are they saying it’s a close race? I don’t understand how this could be true..

    9. I am clearly too stupid a woman to understand the great thing he did. But if he says it was great I am sure it was- such a hero for the wimmins

    10. pink_faerie_kitten on

      So women are just too stupid to understand right now. It’s for our own good and one day we’ll be grateful 🙄

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