Sylvester Stallone paid $1 million dollars out of his own pocket for stunt man Simon Crane to slide between two planes on a cable at 15,000 feet (4.6 km) – making it the most expensive aerial stunt ever, according to the Guinness Book of World Records.

    by WhattheDuck9


    1. >Somehow, executing the Cliffhanger zip-line stunt was even more dangerous than it comes across on-screen.The gag was executed by British stuntman Simon Crane, whose work features in the likes of Edge of Tomorrow, Rogue One, and several James Bond films.

      >it appears as though Crane was dangled out of the larger craft from a weighted rope. This gave the impression of a fully secured zip-line without actually having the tether two planes together, which would have presumably been un-insurable. By my estimation, Crane’s objective was to belay down with the hope that the rope’s end would land in the open door of the other aircraft, where the crew could retrieve it.

      >The stunt was (rightfully) featured in the AMC show Hollywood’s Greatest Stunts. The segment underlines the numerous factors that made the gag especially dangerous to pull off. For instance, both planes had to travel at precisely 150 miles per hour, which was a challenge to coordinate given the size difference between the two crafts. Any slower and the larger craft would stall. Any faster, and Crane’s limbs would become estranged from his torso.

      >Because of the thinner oxygen levels at the plane’s cruising altitude of 15,000 feet (~4,600 meters), Crane’s physical exertion was far more taxing than usual. To boot, thanks to the windchill, the air temperature hovered around -90 degrees Fahrenheit (around -32 degrees Celsius). And because all of that wasn’t challenging enough, Crane was also wearing a prosthetic mask to combat the cold.

      [Source]( )

      [Guinness world record for Most expensive film stunt performed in the air]( )

    2. CoralinesButtonEye on

      in any other context, it would be considered highly immoral for a rich guy to pay someone to do a life-endangering stunt in his place for entertainment purposes

    3. Yes, it’s a million dollars, but I’d rather stay alive, thank you. Why not use a blue screen or a set. It’s not my life, but it seems an unnecessary risk.

    4. such an insane stunt. surprised he didn’t fall down comically out the plane’s door cause of this man’s immensely large balls of steel

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