They are dispatching 3,500 emergency workers to the affected areas. Funds are being allocated. What would you have them do there? Get a photo op in overlooking the damage?

    by WeaponHex1638


    1. wanna_escape_123 on

      Wasn’t she bashing republicans a few days ago ? What happened ? Trump completed the payment ?

    2. everythingbeeps on

      Does Jigsaw not realize that the worst thing for a region ravaged by a disaster is for high profile politicians to immediately swoop in and gum up the works and get in everyone’s way?

    3. gigglesmonkey on

      That’s the GOP for you. We want small government, we don’t want hand outs and socialism…. We’re the hells the government. SMH

    4. Yes parading our president and all the required logistics around would be very beneficial to debris ridden towns that are trying to be traversed by emergency vehicles.

    5. NovelRelationship830 on

      I’m an unaffiliated voter, and it is really disgusting how far the GOP has fallen with their blatant non-reality talking points. They just don’t care anymore. Lie. Lie again. Admit they are lying. Lie again.

    6. Captainfartinstein on

      What the fuck would Trump do? Well when PR got hit he threw paper towels at them, complained about having to send aide and tried to sell it and buy Greenland.

    7. > We need Trump NOW!

      Remember when Trump denied 99% of the funds NC asked for after Hurricane Matthew?

      From the NC Governor’s office, May 10th, 2017:

      > This week, state officials learned that **of the more than $900 million requested, North Carolina will receive just $6.1 million, less than 1% of the resources needed to help communities and families fix homes, repair businesses and recover from the historic flooding**. In today’s letter, Governor Cooper reiterated the critical and immediate need for support and urged the President to visit affected communities to better understand the challenges that remain.

      > **“Families across Eastern North Carolina need help to rebuild and recover, and it is an incredible failure by the Trump Administration and Congressional leaders to turn their backs,” said Cooper. “Matthew was a historic storm and we are still working every day to help families return home and rebuild their communities. North Carolinians affected by this storm cannot be ignored by the Trump Administration and Congressional leadership, and I will continue to work with our Congressional delegation to get North Carolina residents affected by the storm the help they deserve.”**

      > **The Trump Administration’s Housing and Urban Development agency (HUD) is responsible for determining unmet recovery needs**, which is a $600 million request for North Carolina, but the agency allowed for only $6 million. Remaining Congressional requests for crop damage, business repair and public buildings were ignored.

      How quickly these idiots forget. Trump does not care about you and never will.

    8. Moonlit_Jolene on

      “Breaking news: photo ops now have magical disaster-fixing powers. Who knew?”

    9. Why is Christmas the favorite holiday of maga women?

      They can Ho Ho Ho, while pretending that they are Christians.

    10. I’d be surprised she could even talk with trumps dick in her mouth. Makes sense, though, since there’s still plenty of room.

    11. Biden and Harris haven’t released a tape of them lobbing paper towels at disaster victims. They aren’t doing anything.

    12. Responsible_Cry_5373 on

      Drumpf not giving a sweet shit about these people, EVER! But he’s their Savior? Vote Blue!

    13. DemythologizedDie on

      Yes. That’s what she wants. Someone who instead of taking substantive action, postures and pretends.

    14. Irvokas-Hekuma on

      Do those maga people think that Trump would come flying like superman, and rescue everyone personally? If not, how in the … senile old tinyhands could rescue ayone.

    15. Resting, Boeing Wind Tunnel Face gets excited when people talk about hurricane forces.

    16. Responsible_Cry_5373 on

      Laura Loomer is the equivalent of anal warts, Hep C and syphilis all in one wonderful human being!

    17. Does he think the president and their cabinet drop into hazard zones like a fucking seal team?

    18. FEMA is moving in personnel in waves. As an area has electric and passable roads, the ground people will move into affected areas. There is no magic wand to be waved over lamb chop’s head.

    19. MysteriousParfait397 on

      I love these fat, uneducated, Walmart shopping, insulated, save the whites , goober looking douches acting like they’re connected to pulse of America. Sad!!

    20. *Get a photo op in overlooking the damage?*

      Yes, actually. They’d rather have some chud make an incoherent speech and pretend to do something that helps rather than actually have someone do something that helps. They want the feel-good propaganda, not any real action. Because if their problems get fixed, they won’t be able to complain about them and blame *insert marginalized group of the week* for their lives being miserable.

    21. verba-non-acta on

      An elected official calling the vice president a hooked and insulting her based on race without fear of that statement instantly ending her career shows you how far we’ve fallen in the last 20 years.

      That is a legitimately disgraceful thing for anyone to say, let alone an elected representative of the people. She and anyone who supports her should be ashamed.

    22. Photo op would be exactly what Trump would do. Complete with a thumbs up outside someone’s destroyed home

    23. MyNeighborsHateMe on

      If only Trump was there throwing rolls of paper towels to people. So many American lives could be saved.

    24. BoomZhakaLaka on

      there is this claim that polling has wiggled a bit in NC since the storm.

      I wonder who’s answering phone calls from pollsters right now.

    25. Why haven’t decent people simply abandoned Twitter for the fucking cesspool it is?

    26. It’s odd to me she uses “DEI hooker” to comment on Harris, mainly considering Loomer only got close to Trump because he wanted to fuck her.

    27. mildlysceptical22 on

      Is calling someone a hooker defaming their character? Especially if that someone is actually the Vice President of the United States?

      Biden stated today he would tour the area later in the week because he didn’t want to interfere with the rescue crews and utility workers trying save people and restore power to the region.

      That’s the difference between Biden and Trump. Trump would make this all about him being there with a photo op and press conference.

      Biden realizes it’s the hundreds of thousands people who have been directly affected by the storm who need attention.

      Loomer is an awful, soulless person.

    28. JoshJoshson13 on

      Funny loomer is calling kamala a hooker but ironically Melania was literally a hooker

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