LBJ was simply just better at committing crimes

    by TigerBasket


    1. LBJ ordered the cia to spy on Barry Goldwater in the 1964 election, as well as having a wiretap on the President of South Vietnam, which is how we know that Nixon committed high treason BTW, by sabotaging the peace process between north and south Vietnam by telling the south Vietnamese president he could get them a better deal.

      Nixon similarly did Watergate, but he didn’t order it instead creating a special group called the plumbers who committed various crimes and schemes lol. They by themselves broke into the Watergate hotel, if Nixon just does nothing from there he’s probably fine. But the coverup eventually unraveled his entire Presidency.

    2. Companypresident on

      LBJ just had that boss energy that let him get away with anything. Obligatory Jumbo reference.

    3. JackThaBongRipper on

      Reagan got his hands on carters classified top secret briefs before the 1980 election and no one **EVER** talks about that

    4. Lyndon “Wanna See My…” Johnson Workplace Sexual Harassment vs. Dick “I Have Paranoid Schizophrenia But You Fools Elected Me Twice” Nixon Partisan Espionage

    5. “And when you’re a Texan, they just let’cha do it. I don’t even ask, I just start spying. You can do anything. Grab ’em by the wiretaps.”

    6. Many_Advice_1021 on

      Because Nixion was colluding with the enemy to win. Just like both Reagan and Trump. Both elected and cause horrible outcomes for our country

    7. To be fair, nobody wanted to fuck with LBJ. Even if they knew what was going on and wanted to call him out, I doubt anyone was willing to get LBJ penis in their face for doing so.

    8. Paladin_in_a_Kilt on

      I get that LBJ’s chicanery with wiretapping doesn’t get enough attention, but the meme way overstates the idea that we have a positive view of his presidency here in the US. LBJ is recognized as being at least a highly controversial figure, and for a lot of folks who lived through his administration he is *hated.*

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