War been over a long time ago

    by king-ExDEATH


    1. I know my eating habits are trash because my first thought was. What kind of cheese is that though? It could be good…

    2. If they didn’t have immigrants, I believe they’d die from their bland diets. *Have you tried mushy peas, yeh?*

    3. BranchReasonable9437 on

      The Brits do have good local food over there but MAN do they take bland nonsense to new heights too

    4. ContactMushroom on

      I still love the comment made about them conquering the whole world over spices and not using a single one lol

      Their tea is worth the rave 100% and an English breakfast is one of the best breakfasts I’ve ever had.

      Everything else though is the most disgusting looking food on the planet. Even places that serve Insects at least make them look appetizing

    5. Listen to me I’m a British Nigerian so my palate is more flavoursome than most of these anglos.

      But sometimes a fucking cheese and onion bap just hits the spot. Same with baked beans on toast. Deadarse.

    6. That’s 100% at a fucking restaurant too. Look at that table, coasters, metal stools. How the FUCK are you going to pay someone to put raw onion and a block of cheese on a dry bun then post about it?!

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