Why do they lie like this?

    by Sometypeofway18


    1. Because they are trying to shore up their base of rubes. Sorry at this point there is no other explanation.

    2. EcstaticHelicopter on

      Because Donnie the Diddler has proven that no matter the lie, these people will eat it up, believe it and froth at the mouth like a hungry dog over it.

    3. SubmarineDream57 on

      Where’s this schmuck spouting his bullshit from? I’ll bet it isn’t NC, and he probably doesn’t even know anyone here.

    4. They live in their own world and actual facts just disturb them. This is “1984”where lies are true, falsity is fact, and reality is whatever you make up.

    5. GroundbreakingPage41 on

      Because the truth doesn’t matter to them, notice all the retweets and likes. Yes many of them are bots but many are also real people.

    6. To be fair, id prefer my tax money go to help ukraine bleed out russia as opposed to helping bail out some climate change denying, confederate loving, abortion baning, gun loving, trump supporters.

    7. Meanwhile Trump **FUCKING LITERALLY** told Governors that didn’t kowtow to him to suck it when they needed help. These fucking unbelievable cretins can suck a bag of dicks.

    8. The Russian government has been paying Walsh, and others, for years with the explicit goal of sowing division within the United States. That’s what this tweet is.

    9. Matt Walsh, who was handing out Project 2025 flyers at the Democratic National Convention while wearing the worst disguise possible. Project 2025, which would eliminate FEMA and Federal flood insurance for states and local governments.

      These people would eat their own feet if someone told them to.

    10. Responsible-End7361 on

      Remember when Texas got upset about how long it took Biden to declare a disaster area, it took Texas 2 days to ask and took Biden 3 hours to approve?

      Then Abbott tried to say Biden should have just declared it without being asked and someone had to point out that the way the law is written the disaster can only be declared after the state asks.

    11. I’m sure some cluster munitions and some tanks will do wonders when flooding is happening. Maybe God hates them because they replaced him with Trump!? I’m just saying.

    12. To the level of before the hurricane hit landfall Biden was already in touch with the governors of soon to be effected states asking what they thought they could need and started to get federal aid and assets ready to move.

      Also the aid to Ukraine consists alot of military equipment we aren’t using but is taking up space that they can make use of. I’m not sure how some tanks and a lot of ammunition would help with a flood but …

    13. Because Biden isn’t chucking paper towels and toilet paper at people while complaining about how horrible they are and don’t deserve help.

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