This is something that all black ppl understand

    by NYstate


    1. My (white) gf’s sister makes that noise and I was shocked cause I legit only heard my auntie and cousins ever do it and I was like where you learn that from?

    2. for some reason when she said pig I immediately thought of the police and I was confused for a split second lol. But she is right.

    3. That’s a fact, damn pigs don’t even oink🤣 wonder what other animal don’t make the sound we thought it did

    4. This sounds like that shit where a lot of us think we’re the only ones that have a bag full of plastic bags.

    5. Jamaican_Dynamite on

      You gotta’ go take something. Some allergy meds, some Robitussin, something. Eat cough drops. Mouthwash. Something.

    6. Bubbly_Satisfaction2 on

      One of my blasian cousins does this, so I don’t know if she counts as being part of the “other” population.

      I remember her ex used to look at her with such disgust, whenever she would do it. I joked “Every time you do it, his fantasy of you being his personal ‘Madame Butterfly-Concubine-Soft and Delicate Asian woman’ dies a little”.

    7. OrgasmChasmSpasm on

      What noise are they talking about? I googled “Black people making throat itch noise” and now I have to see HR.

    8. Viliam_the_Vurst on

      After rock and roll was hoisted from culture, it diverged, part of that was a whole genre celebrating those noises in their vocals

    9. I hate that damn sound! It’s sounds gross and annoys the hell out of me. I get so disgusted when I hear people do it 🤣

    10. White dude checking in…I do this shit. My wife calls it “clucking.”

      I sometimes plug one ear with my finger because I get a better scratch that way. Is that universal too or am I a weirdo?

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