Not even in the top 10 most embarassing things he’s done

    by IAmAccutane


    1. Trump tosses a 5 lb brick to an old woman who lost her home… I’m here for you…

    2. The_Laughing__Man on

      Not to rain on anything that shows Trump for who he is, but I question if this photo is real or recent. That looks like Steve Bannon behind him. He’s still serving his contempt sentence. This photo is either old or a fake.

    3. svillagomez1989 on

      Shame on the person who actually allowed that. Using someone’s destroyed business to satisfy man baby’s ego.

    4. So he basically went to the safest damaged area with no locals around, surrounded only by staff, reporters, and local politicians for a photo-op. Tells everyone there he brought lots of supplies. 1 tent of “supplies” for who? Again, No locals around… Later he claims Biden never called Georgia(whatever that means). While the governor tells the reporters his conversation with Biden… That boy just ain’t right.

    5. They should consider themselves lucky that he didn’t have them hold big sheets of bullet proof glass to protect his diapered ass.

    6. I love how it’s not even close to structurally sound, too. Like, some of the bricks are just stacked on top of each other with no overlap. Lucky the whole thing didn’t topple with a slight breeze.

      Actually, pretty on brand for him…

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