Context: after the Mossad captured Adolf Eichmann in Argentina the agents needed to bring him to Israel to face trial. 9 days after the capture Argentina’s Independence Day celebrations happened and a commercial El Al plane carried on it to Argentina with Shin Bet agent Yehuda Carmel as a flight attended with a fake name. Carmel was bright due to his physical resemblance to Eichmann

    The day after the holiday the commercial flight took off to Israel. The Mossad brought Eichmann onto the plane while he was sedated as if he was Carmel. The pilots and all passengers didn’t know that the Nazi commander and the architect of the holocaust was on the plane until it was said into the PA system a short while before the landing in Tel Aviv

    by Shekel_Hadash


    1. So… what did Yehuda Carmel do after Eichmann was on the plane? Drove back to Eichmann’s house and prepared to go to work on Monday?

      Is he still there now?

    2. Interesting_Ad_1922 on

      Being captured by Israeli spies and being brought to Israel to stand trial has to be a Nazi’s worst nightmare

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