Man smashes signed Taylor Swift guitar after buying it for $4,000 at auction

    by MoreMotivation


    1. When you are being played so hard by the 1% that they have convinced you that Taylor is the enemy and you need to spend your hard earned money to stop her.

    2. Playful-Tumbleweed10 on

      Come to think of it, I’ve got 10 more T Swift guitars I’ll sell him for the same price, then I’ll contribute the money to the Harris/Walz campaign!

    3. AccomplishedEast7605 on

      Trump turned boomers into real life Internet trolls. These older MAGAs are just the most insane and toxic people. Like what is the point of this? He just lit $4000 on fire to “own the libs” for 1 minute. He could have used that money for many better things.

    4. Since she is alive and well she can just go sign another one. That is $4000 that won’t be going to Trump so I’ll call this one a win.

      Kind of sad to see a perfectly good guitar destroyed though, signed or not.

    5. CaregiverBrilliant60 on

      Reminds me when I purchased a can of Bud Light, drank it, and tossed the can into recycling! Showed them corporate big wigs!

    6. That’ll show’em, grandpa.

      Or, just take the 4k to a shelter and donate it. But, who am I to tell a proud patriot how to spend their money?

    7. People who destroy their own property on an attempt to “stick it” to a celebrity or a corporation are a special kind of stupid.

    8. Ludo_Fraaaaaannddd on

      If I were her I’d buy 1000 guitars and sign them all to be sold for like 20 bucks just to piss this guy off even more

    9. Throwing $4000 in the trash while complaining about the price of gas….

      MF could’ve given it to charity. Maybe children with cancer?

      I hope the Internet could show him a little FAFO….🤔

    10. Gotta love how MagaTs will throw money away to spite themselves…and then complain about government waste

    11. Wow that will teach that beautiful billionaire hussy … I think for a follow up she should buy 20k’s worth of Taylor swift merch … just to teach her a lesson 🙄

    12. These people are crying about, “Not having money and feeling left behind” but they have money to do stuff like this and to donate to a twice impeached rapist.

    13. outdatedelementz on

      He couldn’t even smash the guitar the proper way. He looks so impotent delicately hitting it with a hammer.

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