White racist people are the true villains in America.

    by Available_Reason7795


    1. This real as hell I live in Toronto a mere hour from the border and we really are not fond of you niggas 😭

    2. Goat_Status_5000 on

      I wouldnt want to live in any other country. America is flawed but best, and always striving to be better.

    3. It’s crazy to think that with our history, there are people who really consider us a super hero or some shit.

      But i guess that’s what happens when you have a country purpose built for you, and view everything you dont agree with as un-American

    4. I mean if we’re gonna go with this superhero movie-brained take, I wanna know who this person thinks the good guys in the world are.

      Because you could certainly dig up something awful about any nation to ever exist if that’s how we’re thinking about it

    5. I can’t speak on other places outside of the United States, but when you’re taught that this has and always will be the “land of the free” while trying to sweep hundreds of years of bondage, torture and genocide under the rug and say to our face “It’s all in the past now” really drives home how messed up things are today.

      Like, Germany looked at WWII and said “Yeah we did that and that was *bad*.” We haven’t had a similar instance like that here *yet.*

    6. Comedordefruitas on

      Did you know, the “founding families” are satanist? They do satanic rituals to keep it going as they did to start it. There are honestly people suffering sra and sometimes death daily and school shootings are a part of those things. Some people who travel compare it to some other countries, and say it is better because they don’t experience sra, and have found comfort within something honestly unsane, and around others experiencing hell.

    7. PhallickThimble on

      while more and more Americans see their fellow humans as “other”

      and are threatened by people who don’t look or socially act like them

      the continuation of exclusion, fear, shunning, and even violence will destroy our democratic (dreamers’ term) republic

    8. PermissionLittle3566 on

      The US a history of 250 years. Most European countries have 5-6x times that, and every single one of us has been the absolute major dickhead asshole tyrant of the time at some point for some not insignificant period. So for the US being the big swinging dick of our current time seems to be fairly normal history-wise.

      Only difference seems to be that we wholeheartedly don’t give a fuck about how evil all our ancestors were and we embrace it and laugh it off, whereas Americans strive for exceptionalism in everything, despite the massive evidence to the contrary – I.e colonisation, slavery, segregation, suffrage on and on and on. So for the right wing especially all these things never happened, or weren’t as bad, but definitely should not really be taught to kids, which is ridiculous.

      American history and present are just as vile as any other country’s, embrace it, learn from it and ya know, maybe we can avoid it once after 276363628 tries

    9. HumanistSockPuppet on

      That’s too simple a take…. How can we easily be defined as the bad guys if we have allies across the globe?

      America ISN’T perfect especially domestically but we aren’t a theocratic conservative state, a dictatorship, or anything so dramatic.

    10. Hey guys…coming from an African, I’m super glad America is the only superpower. I know things aren’t perfect but could you imagine China or Russia running this bitch.. nahhhhhhh man

    11. Falling for the trap of describing a country of people as a singular entity. I’m striving to be better, therefore at least one very small part of the country is striving to be better.

    12. Every country is either the bad guy at some point or has a population under 10 million.

      The US is not uniquely “the bad guy.”

      With that being said, the USA has done a lot of good in the world, and is not uniquely the “good guy” either.

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