Journey to 1000 lb club [OC]

    by Neat_Yogurtcloset_22


    1. BrettHullsBurner on

      Pretty ugly data, but nice numbers. I have always been one of those “bench about the same amount I squat” guys too. My maxes (before I had a kid) were right around your current numbers. Hurt my shoulder 5lbs away from a 3 plate bench at 165lbs…

    2. So let’s say I haven’t lifted weights in years. I can do 50-100 for each. How long would it take me to get there? Let’s say I can train 3-4 times per week for an hour.

    3. Great job man.

      It’s going to get progressively more difficult from here.

      What’s your current program look like?

    4. this is nice…i dont often work with data where the max is what you want to highlight; normally it’s the central tendency, right? this view does a really nice job.

      how come you were pushing the weights up for deadlifts but not squat and bench between july and september? this isn’t 1rm attempts, right? it’s highest values during regular training? was your progressive overload schedule more dialed for DL than squat and bench?

    5. That initial spike is only because of missing data. I would start the graph only at the point that you have data for all 3 lifts.

    6. deathofyouandme on

      The big jump in total weight is a little disingenuous, as it looks like the first (low) data point is just deadlift, then deadlift+squat, then all 3. It would make more sense to start plotting once all 3 have a measurement.

    7. theflyingchicken96 on

      700 to 1000 lbs in about 6 months? That’s insane! Do you have previous lifting experience? Were you working with someone or just on your own?

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