Make it make sense

    by WinterYogurtcloset61


    1. Terrible_Macaroon890 on

      It’s working exactly how they intended for it to work. Money continues to go to the top as us bottom people continue to struggle.

    2. Well I can answer the daycare one, government regulation. The government dictates how many teachers per child, if you don’t comply you get shut down. So you have to hire a bunch of teachers, making your profit margin thin. In my case, zero, so I sold the business.

    3. Ok_Signature_9080 on

      Deans, coaches, ceo’s, and so on are responsible for this bullshit. universities have turned into sports teams with these people making millions. while the players no longer even get full ride scholarships anymore. corporations and hospitals are filled with these ivy league “in” people that only focus on squeezing everyone for all they are worth. this is the profit model. it wont stop until we kill it.

    4. It’s almost as if having everything be run as a business doesn’t really serve us. Maybe unchecked capitalism is a toxic influence and not in our collective best interests.

    5. Parking-Relation-253 on

      And so many people are blind to this…we have the numbers, people need to start paying attention and rise up

    6. mypoliticalvoice on

      In all of these cases, there are middlemen eating up all the cream. The insurance companies build up armies of accountants to try to deny payouts, and the care providers build up armies of administrators to squeeze the insurance companies. Same thing for educators and grants. The result is huge armies of bureaucrats fighting while the actual providers get squeezed.

    7. Both of these industries, nursing homes and day cares, pay high insurance premiums, and are normally required to be insured. I’m not excusing, but I bring it up because it is part of the complex explanation.

    8. Glittering-Wonder-27 on

      Vote Blue if you want change. The Russian backed Republican politicians and billionaires are out to take everything they can from the American people.

    9. RefrigeratorLeft2768 on

      Tony Soprano said it best “Money runs uphill and shit runs downhill.” Or something very close to that

    10. Some of these have explanations – for daycare one reason is insurance costs in the US for programs. I don’t know why people assume it’s going to Big Daycare lol, most of these places run on razer thin margins. Facility and insurance costs is a huuuuge cost.

      As for college, it doesn’t put *all* students “in debt for life”, and I’ve never heard of “thousands of professors living in their cars”. A quick google shows an article from a while ago outlining *specific stories* of individuals.

      I dunno maybe I just hate when people overexaggerate things that don’t need to be exaggerated, feels like they’re trying to make their situation look worse than it is, as if they don’t trust that it’s actually as bad as they think.

    11. BannonCirrhoticLiver on

      “Profit” is a word made up to cover the stolen value of a worker’s labor.

      Your boss keeps the profit when they sell the product of your labor for more than they paid you, despite you doing all the work.

      Labor is entitled to all that it creates.

    12. Thoughtapotamus on

      Well, food prices are getting ridiculous again. I think the richest assholes hoarding all the resources while destroying everything on the planet should be nicely fattened by now. Grab your spoon and pitchfork!

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