Reddit gives me ads for “Dairy Queen Canada”. I live in the opposite side of the world.
Roi_Loutre on
It usually happens to me when I’m abroad and getting ads in a foreign language I can only say hello in.
FireFalcon123 on
This reminds me of something I learned in film, where showing is better than saying, like less exposition for example, so if the ad cant protray the message visually in another language then I double dont care
TheGringoOutlaw on
I occasionally get ads in Spanish on TV and Pandora. The only spanish I know is numbers and cuss words.
LoveBootyQueen on
There’s so many adds daily that I can have a nightmare about them
netterD on
At this point im convinced adds are just a tool to make you buy premium out of annoyance. If they are already stealing and selling our data, they could at least try to show adds for things you could be interested in.
No, i dont need haircolor. No, im not going to buy laxative when i dont need it just because you told me its great.
56Bot on
Apple giving me ads for their latest iPhone… I’m on the 7.
Reddit gives me ads for “Dairy Queen Canada”. I live in the opposite side of the world.
It usually happens to me when I’m abroad and getting ads in a foreign language I can only say hello in.
This reminds me of something I learned in film, where showing is better than saying, like less exposition for example, so if the ad cant protray the message visually in another language then I double dont care
I occasionally get ads in Spanish on TV and Pandora. The only spanish I know is numbers and cuss words.
There’s so many adds daily that I can have a nightmare about them
At this point im convinced adds are just a tool to make you buy premium out of annoyance. If they are already stealing and selling our data, they could at least try to show adds for things you could be interested in.
No, i dont need haircolor. No, im not going to buy laxative when i dont need it just because you told me its great.
Apple giving me ads for their latest iPhone… I’m on the 7.