Modern SlaveWage grind 😤

    by AnalBlast2


    1. I’m typically working 6 days, 10 hour shifts. Not really surprised I almost fell asleep on my feet on Saturday while at work. Sure, I might make a lot of money but I’m sleeping every other hour I can and have no time to spend any of it.

    2. CaptCynicalPants on

      Right. As opposed to most of the rest of human history where people had to work every single day of the year just to maybe starve to death each winter anyway

    3. I work 12 hours to be free for 24 then I work 12 hours to be free for 48. And I have non weekend free days so I can buy things easily too. Pretty good deal for me

    4. Live more simply and work something like 80% instead. 3 day weekend every week is the sweet spot if you ask me, time is more valuable than money in my humble opinion.

    5. I count myself lucky. I actually like my job. Not love but like. Time goes by, i like my coworkers and even if it gets stressfull or dificult at times, i feel challanged, which makes it fun.

      I hope you can also achieve to do, what you like

    6. I feel you! It’s like I’m working five days just to earn my two days of freedom—and then I end up doing chores.

    7. Working 4 12s is the real game changer. We rotate 4 days on, 4 days off here. I’m usually stir crazy at the start of day 3 off, it’s still a weird feeling. But now I can actually DO things on my days off.

    8. And you’re not even free for those 48 hours. Other things to do besides work, cleaning, family, etc…

    9. The struggle is real! Lisa’s face is how we all feel after a long workweek. Why does the weekend fly by so quickly while the workdays drag on forever?

    10. I prep for 2 days so I can work 5.

      Still enjoy being a teacher and wouldn’t trade it for much (might become a prof at some point if I ever want more complex material and want to pick up research again though.)

    11. I mean… it used to be work 6days and be off 24.
      my favorite now is 3 12hr shifts. You get so much done in those 4days off

    12. Working to buy things that are worthless or obsolete in 4 years to impress people who don’t care. I’m serious when I️ say, I’m done with the rat race

    13. Honestly my perception of time is absolutely destroyed. Like I just go on auto pilot or something like the movie click.

      My days fly by so mf fast I don’t even have time to be upset about being at work again. The downside is I’mma be old before I know it. But at least my day to day grind doesn’t make me suffer much

    14. If only we could get Wednesday or Friday as a 3rd off day, maybe depending on your choice(or boss choice) some people work on Wednesday while others relax on Wednesday and then both swap positions during Friday.

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