NATO in 1991 be like:

    by R2J4


    1. “Now we expand our borders all the way to Russia so we try and intimidate them, nothing can go wrong”

    2. “Now? Now we just chill and allow ourselves to become arrogant and forget the lessons of the cold war by letting multiple anti western movements and nations to grow stronger, nothing bad will come out of it, I’m sure.”

    3. The Middle East DLC was released to make time for the developers to make the next instalments that is Ukraine and Israel once again to eventually make way for the long awaited third game in the Pacific this time which the cold war, though being well liked and having some of the best spinoffs, failed to deliver.

    4. DenseCalligrapher219 on

      America and it’s Western allies: “everything is finally at peace, what can possibly go wrong?”

      *Sees the Yugoslav wars, failure in Somalia, Rwanda Genocide, Chechen Wars, wars in Caucasus and invasion of Kuwait.*

      “Oh? That didn’t go so well. At least the Oslo Accords should bring peace between Israel and Palesti-”

      *Sees that the accords did nothing and eventually lead to the Second Intifada.*

      “Oh come on?! At least Afghanistan must be doing fine right?”

      *Sees that it has become a failed state controlled by religious fanatics imposing Sharia law on the nation.*

      “REALLY?!!! Maybe that Osama Bin Laden guy who supported the Mujaheddin and was our ally can be somewhat-”

      *Sees that Osama has started a terrorist organization against the U.S thanks to their military presence in the ME.*

      “…fuck it, i’m going to bed.”

    5. Mysterious_Silver_27 on

      “I dunno, just makes some classic cheesy hollywood movie and develop the internet until some dude fly planes into skyscrapers I guess”

    6. Honestly, with all those fancy cliché hats on the flags, I’m a bit disappointed you didn’t put a _sombrero cordobés_ or a _peineta_ to the Spanish flag…

    7. Commissarfluffybutt on

      “Now we kick back and enjoy peace and-”

      *Middle-East and surrounding nations explode*

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