Just a friendly reminder that the climate change deniers don’t care about the victims of climate change

    by rwoooshed


    1. Foreinger here. So, they vote no on bills that they know will pass anyways, because they’ll be able to both get the help they’ll recieve and take credit for it, but at the same time say stuff like what Matt Gaetz said in that tweet, basically have their cake and eat it too?

    2. From 2022 and earlier, but like clockwork these disgusting hypocrites come hat in hand for some sweet federal socialism:



      # Florida Dems criticize Marco Rubio for being absent on vote that included disaster relief funds


      # Sen. Marco Rubio and U.S. Rep. Ron DeSantis “voted against aid for Hurricane Sandy.”


      # Florida lawmakers vote against disaster relief amid Hurricane Ian recovery


      # Democrats accuse Rick Scott of siding with Trump to block disaster aid for Puerto Rico

      >Democratic members of Florida’s congressional delegation are escalating their criticism of the state’s freshman Sen. Rick Scott, accusing him of stonewalling negotiations to pass a multi-billion-dollar disaster aid package at the behest of President Trump, who opposes additional recovery funds for storm-battered Puerto Rico.


      # New probe confirms Trump officials blocked Puerto Rico from receiving hurricane aid

      >The administration of former President Donald Trump obstructed an investigation looking into why officials withheld about $20 billion in hurricane relief for Puerto Rico following the devastating aftermath of Hurricane Maria in 2017, one of the deadliest U.S. natural disasters in over 100 years, a new report says.

      >A Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Inspector General report made public Thursday also found that tensions between the department and the Office of Management and Budget resulted in unprecedented procedural hurdles that produced delays in the disbursement of the congressionally approved funds.


    3. Too bad the bill was not written so that assistance to specific areas of Florida was contingent on the affirmative vote in their district.

      Anna Paulina Luna votes “no,” then much of Pinelllas County (St. Petersburg/Clearwater) gets not a penny. And they’re suffering now. If they are not willing to vote for the interests of their people, let their representative explain their position as the toilets continue not to flush due to failed infrastructure.

      Enough saving them.

    4. If Senators or Representatives vote no for disaster funding then their state / districts should be ineligible for relief.
      Voting for these assholes should have consequences to those voting for them

    5. What a different world this would be if people actually paid attention to what these people were *doing* as opposed to what they are *saying*.

      Matt Gaetz will shamelessly take credit for this, assuming (correctly) that very few of his constituents will bother to look at how he actually voted.

    6. Specific_Berry6496 on

      if the people in your state won’t vote for it, I would have abstained. We fix their problems for them and then they use it against us. Typical Republican malarkey.

    7. Glittering-Wonder-27 on

      Aren’t we sending Ukraine weapons in lieu of actual money? How does Pedo Gaetz think weapons will help Floridians?

    8. I have read through the comments and I am still not sure what Matt has to gain by voting against a bill that gives billions in aid to his own home state.

      Could someone ELI5 please? Ta

    9. I’ve NEVER seen anything POSITIVE written about Gaetz. It’s always him saying negatives or voting AGAINST something that helps the average Joe.

      What has he done that is positive?

    10. i don’t quite get why we send money to Florida to help the rich folk who have moved down there. Why don’t they budget for the downside, and pay adequate insurance? Sending money only disincentivizes good planning. in economics it’s called moral hazard.

    11. Sensitive-Painting30 on

      I remember when republicans said that Mother Nature is punishing the people in California with earthquakes because of all the sinners and folks that dont walk in Jesus’s footsteps. Seems they are awful quiet when the shit hits the fan in their states…

    12. There is just some things we should just do because we have to in order to survive, it shouldn’t be a thing we vote on. Fighting climate change is one of those things.

      It’s like voting no on eating and drinking and sleeping. Fucking stupid.

    13. MinorThreat4182 on

      This will never make sense to me except they are evil vile people. If you don’t need the help, don’t ask for it. The Florida state coffers can fit the bill.

    14. RedditAdminsWivesBF on

      My entire extended family lives in the southern part of Georgia and they got hit really hard by the hurricane, they are also fanatical Trump supporters and they basically all believe climate change is a hoax so it is a bit difficult to feel sorry for them.

      I’m like you voted and will keep voting for people that deny climate change and want to gut FEMA so yeah. I remember them being amused when Katrina destroyed New Orleans.

    15. This has been the mantra of modern capitalism and the GOP since the 80s
      When a worker needs a bail out — tough love, fiscal responsibility
      When a corporation needs is nanny government protectionism
      When a rich person needs a hand they deserve it
      When you need it, the “other” needs it it is because they are lazy or immoral etc….

    16. I really wish the Feds would drive all the relief trucks to the GA FL border and stop. Broadcast to the people of FL, “we have relief supplies here, but you governor and congressmen say you don’t want it. We don’t want to violate their states rights so we can’t go past this point”.

      They won’t, and they shouldn’t, but I would still love to see DeSantis, Scott, etc. Implode. Or Floridians rise up to tar and feather them for ruining their state. But they won’t.

    17. As long as there is a market for snake oil, the snake oil salesmen will make out like bandits.

      Pin the blame on an ignorant, misinformed constituency.

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