This is a video from two days before Michael Jackson’s death. Despite being in pieces Michael continued with his last remaining energy

    by Cosmic-Chen


    1. Jonestown_Juice on

      Last remaining energy? It’s not like Michael Jackson was sick and dying. He wasn’t even old- he was 50. He was a drug addict who took a powerful anesthesia every night to sleep.

    2. downinthevalleypa on

      Michael Jackson was a born entertainer and a very talented man. His personal problems and the manner of his death remain very sad, even remembering him all these years later.

    3. Some of these clips are not from 2days before he died – most are many weeks. He was quite ill days before he died, many who were working with him had noticed and have detailed as such in the death lawsuit.

    4. I get propofol regularly for procedures and I can see why MJ liked that drug for sleeping. It knocks you out instantly and you are fully sedated and when you wake up there is zero nausea or any sort of bad feelings. You wake up feeling great and refreshed. But legally you cant drive for 24 hours but you totally could as it doesn’t mess you up like general anesthesia or ketamine, ugh.

    5. Dude was an addict who died of an overdose.

      e: So it’s OK to gloss over his addiction and cause of his death because you liked him as a performer? And to outright deny the sexual abuse allegations, with substantial proof of creepy fucking weirdness and admissions himself that he shared a bed regularly with kids? It ain’t normal by anyone’s metric. Fuck you for defending that. You disgust me. The dude was a rich motherfucker who used his fame and money to get what he wanted.

    6. Guess he should have taken a mental break and took some time off from working and recovered huh?

    7. What? Didn’t he die of an overdose because he was a drug addict? If anything he’s high AF in these videos.

    8. This is a very weird post. Are you trying to make him out to be some kind of hero for dying of an overdose with his “last remaining energy”? He wasn’t a dying old man, he was just on drugs. The video also makes zero sense since it’s just a mashup of clips from different times.

    9. He took too many drugs at 50 years old a couple years after probably diddling some kids, this post is super weird

    10. Well yeah, outside of a fatal disease this is how death works. It’s not subtle, there’s not usually signs…you’re there one minute and gone the next. There’s nothing really interesting or unique about this.

    11. qu33fwellington on

      My dance studio went to Los Angeles for a summer dance trip every year where we would go take classes from working choreographers and backup dancers, ask questions about the industry, and do mock auditions to prepare those of us that wanted to go professional.

      Anyway, Michael died two days before we left in 2009. You would not believe the overwhelming grief that fell over all artists in that city that day. The weekend following his death was streets packed with people dancing and playing his music, hours long traffic jams from people wanting to drive into the city and have a memorial party with their friends, and even though it was truly sad it was also absolutely electric.

      The studio we worked with for those trips ended up canceling their Sunday lessons and instead brought in one of Michael’s backup dancers. He was prominently featured in *Thriller* and taught us the choreography for the dance!

      I still think back fondly on all of us fumbling the counts (Michael really liked to Hit It on the off beats, it’s hard to explain) and then at the end all the professional back up dancers did the whole dance for us while we watched.

      Fun fact! On that trip I accidentally told Emmy Rossum (most know her from Shameless, she took classes at the same LA studio) a joke about my (underage) friend’s boobs in the elevator on the way to class.

      Imagine the color on my face when she went to check in and told the front desk, ‘Rossum, Emmy’ when they asked her name.

    12. Title makes it sound like this was filmed two days *after* his death. Now, that would be impressive.

      “Live from Pathology 301, it’s…”

    13. “being in pieces” is an interesting way to say getting OD’ by a psychopath “doctor” prescribing everything under the sun with no supervision.

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