[OC] Facial Hair per 100 Men from 1960-2023 Using Data from Archived Newspapers.

    by Itstoolongitwillruno


    1. Itstoolongitwillruno on

      List of data sources were:





      The tool I used to create the graph was Microsoft Excel. I counted by browsing every newspaper page spanning 63 years looking for males with or without facial hair. The years 2020 and 2021 were tricky to count for obvious reasons.

      EDIT: Some edits I from my [last post.](https://old.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/1fqa7zw/ocevery_100th_person_in_archived_newspapers_with/) I resized the axes so it would be easier to read and merged/removed some of the facial hair listings. I also recolored the graph so it would be simple and easy to read the data.

      I also tried to make it more colorblind friendly by research and running it through colorblind simulators several times but I understand it won’t come out perfect. If you’re colorblind, please feel free to make criticisms if the graph is still hard to read for you and what improvement I can make.

    2. I really miss a category of “random” or something like that. I never shave, I just cut my facial hair with scissors for a few minutes every month or so. Even when it’s just before cutting you probably won’t call it a “beard”, but just after cutting, you won’t call it “shaven” and I find this the most logical approach 🙂

    3. poo_poo_platter83 on

      I am honestly surprised fully shaved is still that high. Also i feel like theres another split between full beard and 5’oclock shadow. I would guess that full beard is a lot lower than we think it is

    4. The rise of the full beard, the fall of the muttonchops, and the consistent unpopularity of the soul patch.

    5. Apolo Anton Ohno is probably the only soul patch representation present on this list. Having a landing strip on one’s face is usually not it and he’s one of the few people on the planet who doesn’t look bad with it.

      I’m curious as to how far back the fully shaven look goes as the overwhelming majority.

      The rise of the five o’clock shadow in the 2010s is interesting to me. It used to be considered an unkempt look but now it’s seen as a way to highlight one’s masculinity in a more casual manner.

    6. Believe it or not but a big driver of the increase from 2012 was none other than game of thrones.

    7. I wish there was a difference between full beard and chinstrap. Chin strap ranks barely above soul patch in cringe.

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