Tell me you’re clingy without telling me you’re clingy!

    by GentrifriesGuy


    1. dollhousemassacre on

      Y’all, life is hard. Sometimes I get so stressed out about replying to a text I just don’t. So I’m not ignoring you or being rude (or whatever), I just don’t know what to say.

    2. I’m ngl yall confuse me, yall would say this then turn around and say “if someone likes you, they make time for you”😭

    3. That be pissing me off, and what I hate more is when I text back in my free time and they don’t reply until hours later or the next day. So it *wasn’t* urgent after all huh

    4. 1BubbleGum_Princess on

      “My people perish from lack of regular, open and honest, quality communication.”


    5. It really all depends on what we’re talking about. If it’s a committed relationship it’s one thing to not text back. If it’s a casual or new relationship, then it’s another. But communication is key. If you have a certain relationship style or just aren’t in a place in your life to dedicate to a relationship then you should’ve had a conversation about this early on.

    6. Jamaican_Dynamite on

      Another day, another one of these. Y’all have fun. I’m just here for the dialogue.


    7. It seems like you don’t have time for a relationship right now. Not gonna lie to you, the concept of “It takes time to text back” don’t make much sense to me. Missing calls is one thing but texting…

    8. I work full time so my girl work less and can text me 🤣 she work 3 days a week so I got sumbody to talk to 🤣

    9. Keep the same energy for women who also do this.

      It’s 2024, I’m not shaming people for insecurity no more. Can’t you tell that they’ve been betrayed in some great way to act like this? Compassion.

      Keeping us in the dark ages with this shit.

    10. Had a girl like this. I’m be in meetings from 8-11 on a good day like girl please do something about yourself.

    11. It literally takes 10 seconds to reply to a text…. if you don’t like that person then just say that!

    12. Ehhh I work a lot too and if I’m fucking with someone I’ll shoot them a text. If you fuck with me you can send a text.

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