Snake oil salesmen🤭

    by javelin3000


    1. DeathMagneto-soy on

      Russell is praying that a bunch of charges don’t drop on his pedo ass any day now.

      He’s praying real hard.

    2. No-Carpenter-3457 on

      Any odds that Brand to drop the act and say it was all bollocks in the most spectacular way? Like he’s working his way closer to meeting the pope and will probably try to knock his mitre off or something.

    3. First-Junket124 on

      The only thing I remember about Russel Brand is that he’s from Hop! And I don’t like being reminded of Hop!

    4. Want to know an even bigger facepalm. The J6 supporters online are still acting like the people arrested are chained to walls and tortured. In these circles they exaggerated things terribly and people like Greene keep feeding it. In reality, the majority of the people caught for J6 are through the system, they have their fines, jail time and probation.

      But woe for those Jan sixers, those poor poor patriots. My god what a load.

    5. Deport this dude back to UK 🇬🇧

      And deport Elon back to South Africa or Canada while at it

    6. Brand is scum and has been for a very long time. One example was making fun of 9/11 the day after.

      A dirt bag

      Unfairly prosecuted on January 6? On what planet would you believe this to be true given the avalanche of evidence?

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