My talents CAN pay off apparently

    by BaldHourGlass667


    1. There’s a lot about the fashion world I don’t get, but there ain’t no way I’m paying $500 for some shit we was doing to zone out in history classes

    2. JeromosaurusRex on

      20 years ago, the ones who could start these low key ran shit..

      Non starter peasants *were* and *will always be* seen as less..

      Don’t get caught being a nonstarter or at some point in the day you might find yourself in a position to get *moded..*

    3. anabeeverhousen on

      Shout out to my fellow starters. The best feeling was a raggedy bitch who was mean to you sitting there looking stupid while she trying to figure out cuz she don’t wanna ask you. 

    4. See, now I could start CERTAIN ones. Oddly enough, the *more* strings I had, the easier it was. “The Wall” and “The Twisted Wall” were my favorites and specialty!

    5. Those keychains were played out in Napoleon Dynamite, the girl was pedalling these keychains and having zero luck selling them or even giving them away

    6. I got one of these for free the other day from my niece.. AND it can be closed to make a bracelet. She clearly ain’t about the paper if she’s just handing them out

    7. Suctorial_Hades on

      Aw they are definitely getting over on people. Baby, not y’all paying $500 dollars for the arts and crafts of my youth 🤣. What’s next, friendship bracelets?

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