He doesn’t want Black people to vote

    by Spiderwig144


    1. I will love the day when I don’t have to hear or see anything from this moron ever again..

      The sheer fact he wasn’t laughed out or ran out of the country after his first idiotic racist filled speech for president just shows how much of a broken idiot filled country we have.

    2. Accurate_Literature6 on

      I’m always grateful when someone can translate Trumps language. I certainly can’t speak it.

    3. I was on a flight to London several years ago, and my seat was in that area with an exit row and bathroom and there’s open space around so people would congregate and occasionally start up conversations. I’m nosy, so of course I would eavesdrop.

      There was an older white couple doing stretches which was infuriating but they started talking with someone about travel and how they’ve been everywhere and it was literally them saying “we’ve been everywhere like Spain and South Africa and always felt incredibly safe, but the most scared we’ve been was in Detroit and Atlanta.”

      You’re not fooling anyone. Just say black people and get it over with.

      So ready for this guy’s heart to give out because of the big mac sauce.

    4. He also means black people when he says “police should get a free day to hunt down criminals.”

    5. “They cheat in this state”, then mentions cities in 3 different states. Just an unbelievably dumb man.

    6. Thin_Painting_998 on

      There will be a lot of intimidation at those booths. Be on guard everyone living in a diverse city or town.

    7. Orange Bitch is saying the quiet part out loud.

      I’m hoping and praying Madame Harris put this guy’s political career out to pasture. Just listening to the same bitch and moan fest for the past damn near 10 years has been so damned exhausting.

    8. WaitingForNormal on

      Wasn’t this man arrested for cheating the banks? Also, cheating on his wife? Also, lying about stolen documents??? Talk about pot calling the kettle…

    9. One thing about Trump’s conspiracy theories, you never have to do much work to figure out who “They” are.

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