We’re fucked.

    by BlissfulBreeze57


    1. Idk about you, but here the temperature is already dropping all the way to 1 degree celsius at night. It’s honestly way colder than I expected.

    2. WaitItsAllCheese on

      Nah you can’t really blame Meemaw. It was like 5 of the biggest companies during Grandma’s time, not the old lady herself

    3. It’s not anyone’s fault apart from big companies and the government.

      If your Grandmother worked at a grocery store, how the fuck was she supposed to help? Unplug the freezers?

    4. Well , people from the west , please consider that there are inhabitants outside of Europe and America .. In South Asian countries , it is fucking hot , humid and annoying ..It used to be better a few decades or for fuck sake a decade ago… In October , we used to put on a jacket and muffler – then go outdoors.. Now I can go out with a fucking T-shirt on and still be sweaty..

    5. “Grandma reported to be the single largest contributor to greenhouse gas emmissions over the course of her lifetime, shocking scientists around the globe”

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