Pls don’t Let him Cook

    by AapkyaPyaraJaanu


    1. So, the convicted felon and rapist wants cops to commit criminal assaults on suspected shoplifters. What does he think should happen to convicted criminals like himself?

    2. Misleading as always.
      He proposed “one rough hour” for store owners to be able to defend their shops from thieves. Now how in the hell would this get put into place, I’m not entirely sure, but he isn’t calling for a “purge”. Too many people would stop at just reading the headline, luckily I sat through that portion of his speech just now.
      It’s to combat the people who just walk in and loot stores without reproductions due to laws in place protecting them. It has absolutely gotten to a point where something has to be done about it.
      He likely wants to give store owners some sort of immunity, and if done correctly I agree. A store owner shouldn’t get in trouble for thwarting off thieves.

    3. Not to defend that the absourd, idiotic idea or him in general, but the sense of that comment was the polar opposite of the purge: he meant that the police force would “go down really rough” on criminals for one night.

    4. nogoodnamesarleft on

      Ok, just being pedantic here. This is NOT the Purge. In the Purge everyone is allowed to commit crimes and the police won’t do anything. Trumps plan is to allow the police under his leadership to commit crimes against those he doesn’t like.

      Both are terrifying but for different reasons

    5. A happy hour for the police kind of thing? But they would need to go after him as well, maybe he likes it rough, who would have guessed, dirty old man… ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)

    6. He thinks allowing Police to slaughter criminals will end crime😂

      Rodrigo Duterte basically had Drug Dealers and Junkies in the Philippines executed, and guess what, the Philippines still has Drug Issues.

    7. MrWilsonWalluby on

      Well yea the purge but they don’t even bother to hide the fact it’s all a cover to murder the poor, the police would just go into poor communities mowing down “suspects” in broad daylight is what he was proposing

    8. The Fifth Amendment says you can’t be required to testify against yourself, Why? Because The Crown was entirely willing to extract confessions using torture and the founders wanted nothing of that in the new government.

      The man who’d like to be the king of America is openly advocating torture. That’s not Conservative, that’s fucking medieval.

    9. ElectricalRush1878 on

      As the late, great, Hannibal Lecter once told him, in person, the Purge.. but for cops only!

      (this is sarcasm… I think.)

    10. I Haven’t watched all the movies in the series but doesn’t the society in the films universe becomes more and more violent and dangerous with every film ?

    11. This wouldn’t just be limited to “criminals”; anyone protesting Trump et al would be deemed a threat and also be subject to unrestricted use of force by police and National Guard, martial law 24/7/365. This is really just a logical progression of what would be required to conduct mass deportations of immigrants (documented or undocumented) and any one else, and to put down the massive protests that would occur.

    12. Blademasterzer0 on

      Guaranteed if this happened he would be among the dead. I mean he’s already one of the most hated people in America

    13. ParticularAd8919 on

      While this shouldn’t need to be elaborated on in terms of why a real “purge” would be insanely terrible, there is a video on Alternatehistoryhub that delves into it deeper. Apart from the obvious, “allowing anyone to kill everyone and anyone is wrong” angle, what amounts to anarchy and a civil war for one day a year essentially crashes the economy annually (because of how much property destruction and loss of human capital and workers that would create). There’s zero benefits for anyone (including the elites).

    14. Purge, huh? Sounds like lots of fun, because people definitely have the ability to hold onto their impulses for a whole year and release them only on one specific day. /s

    15. that’s…kind of logic!

      i means, after Hannibal Lecter (1 psycho) we move on the the Purge (Civil War Maga want).

      he knows what is public like

    16. shiny_glitter_demon on

      I mean, if you’re rich a Purge is a great idea. It’s the point of the movies. The little folk will kill each other, you just need to push them a little and stay safe in your private bunker.

    17. Here he is calling for an American Kristallnacht but if you dare call him a fascist, dictator or compare him to Hitler, he cries that you’re turning up the heat and promoting political violence.

    18. So, he will make it legal to rough someone up, really bad, for a day. And then everything will be fine the day after? You think?

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