The way these garden snakes are coiled up outside my window

    by youngmanrilo


    1. I am interested in where are you based so i can note it down and avoid casually strolling around there.

    2. *”And unto the leader they gave a vision of serpents numbering two and ten, as a sign of things to come.”*

    3. okwtheburntones on

      I do not want snakes near or inside my house. I don’t mind them anywhere else, although they do freak me out a little bit when they suddenly appear.

    4. Also, we’re posting hard-core snake gangbang porn in the sub now.
      It’s about damn time, i’ve been writing admin for months. 👏🏽

    5. Significant-Pick-966 on

      Have you ever seen them come out of hibernation? It is really cool I’ve only seen it once they were coming out of the sewer in a southeast Kansas town there were hundreds, by the next day there were hundreds dead due to people driving down the road but it was definitely something I will never forget

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