Sad but the truth

    by VeroaFay


    1. Except it’s not the truth at all. The IRS doesn’t jail people for owing taxes, only evasion or fraud.

      The worst that will happen is over 10 years the interest and penalties will cost you like 7 dollars.

      No one has ever been jailed for owing the IRS 4 dollars.

    2. We know exactly how much you owe us but won’t tell you from the get go and will make the process more complicated than needed and then beat you up if you get it wron…lie.

    3. Unless shit’s changed, the IRS doesn’t know how much you owe either. Your taxes have to look sus to trigger and audit, at which point thy start figuring it out. But actually figuring out everybody’s taxes owed is not something they generally spend resources on.

    4. To be fair: we’re all the same: we can’t remember for what stupid shit we spent money the last week. But we totally remember that we paid Steve a beer last weekend while we got wasted. And he didn’t pay one in return. Fuck you Steve!

    5. The pentagon is able to track a terrorists wet fart from 15000 feet in the sky, but is “unable” to account for $3.8 trillion dollars.

      This is just privileged white politician speak for “If i tell you I’m going to prison”

    6. Sorta. The only truly egregious one is the Navy not being able to track where one of it’s fighter jets went. The Pentagon and Treasury both allocate huge sums of money to different organizations and in many cases purposely can’t track where it goes. The IRS *should* be going after *everyone* who owes taxes; going after someone who owes $3.37 makes us angry because we know they don’t go after the super wealthy people and corporations.

    7. I am angry every day that I wake up and remember Boeing charges us John Q Taxpayer $50k for a $300 garbage can.

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