
    by Aadi_Dhoundiyal


    1. I don’t think we had a war against one another… I guess WW1 and WW2…, but we always ran away and changed sides and fought with them instead of against them xd xd

    2. I wish we had to deal with Britain…nah we had to deal with a country far, far worse. When Britain leaves, it takes what it wants and leaves the rest so that its former colonies try to fix themselves, and even treat them as humans kinda. When this one leaves, it takes EVERYTHING, tries its best to own you in every way, force its language, culture, tries to remove your religion to replace it with worshipping them, and above all sees you as lesser things, a backyard they get to use however they want.

    3. My_leg_still_hurt92 on

      According A̶c̶c̶o̶u̶n̶t̶ to a quick search my country never won a war against Britain.

    4. I am not a football fan but there’s that one game I am aware of between my county and England. They beat the shit out of us woth a 11:0

    5. Profesionalintrovert on

      My country never fought the British. Unfortunately, we had to face something even worse: the French.

    6. Canada here. We never beat Britain, we just politely asked to stop paying taxes and they said sure.

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