I just died from cringe.

    by butumm_


    1. Kobayashi_Maru186 on

      Hopefully he’s successful, starting with himself. Mars needs you, Elon! We will somehow make-do without your brilliance here on Earth. 🫤

    2. Preserve the light of consciousness – what the f is he on about.

      That can be done here on earth where people can actually walk around and breath the air etc

      He’s just a big kid always looking for the next toy to play with…I’m bored with earth, I want to play on mars instead

    3. He will always have my begrudging respect for what he’s done, if only PR wise, to push space travel forward and bring electric cars to mainstream. But the man is ding dong dumb for supporting the people and policies he does.

    4. Weird ass loser is talking to himself again.

      More money than the Catholic Church and this is what he does with his time.

    5. SomePerformance558 on

      If his goal was to get us to mars he wouldn’t be about to become a trillionaire, he would be spending his money on actually getting us to mars

    6. This man is the proof that no individual should be allowed to accrue more than a $billion. It’s now becoming embarrassing just watching his ego fuelled self move through the world without anyone or thing to check it for him.

    7. MercutioLivesh87 on

      This insecure little shit is beyond pathetic. I wish he would read the planet and fuck off to space

    8. Careful-Swimmer-2658 on

      Just imagine all the things he could do for the betterment of humanity, the planet or just about anything else. Instead he spends all day and night posting racist shite on X and sticking his fascist snout in other people’s business.

    9. BackPainAssassin on

      Another Elon talking to himself post using an AI generated image of himself. This dudes sad af man

    10. The idea of a single person being a trillionare makes me physically sick.

      My stomach gurgled a bit reading that part. I don’t care how much of a good person you are, a single person doesn’t need that type of money.

      A couple million dollars to fix many many problems around the world is too much money. But 44 billion dollars to beg for attention is perfectly fine.


    11. FlimsyConclusion on

      What a colossal waste of money. How about putting that towards making earth sustainable before we hop to another planet incapable of maintaining human life?

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