That’s why I lock all my excel sheets when I add someone to them…no idea what they’re going to change

    by imjustheretodomyjob


    1. Definitely something I wish I learned at Uni instead of on the job, just basic functions I use every day as an engineer

    2. I knew basic excel and then I was fortunate enough to be taught by a CFO who can write macros blindfolded and my manager who knew a thing or two. I like to think I’m still pretty decent in it.

    3. As an IT Tech I hate getting excel calls. Like fuuuuck some stupid ass formulas or some dumb ass add-in wont work.

    4. PillowPrincess314 on

      My elementary school introduced us to Excel. Learned the ins and outs in high school in the 90s in classes I took as electives. It was also part of the curriculum at the college I got my Associates degree from. Along with the entire suite of Office programs.

      Excel is a big self explanatory calculator;if you know the basics of how formulas work.

      I feel like Microsoft has done a great job of making all of their programs user friendly. They, for the most part, function exactly the same as they did in the mid 90s.

    5. Pleasant-Emergency14 on

      You gotta copy the shared Google docs & sheets without sharing the copy so you can be incompetent in the privacy of your own unshared document. Excel is extensive as fuck though, I’ve interviewed incoming employees that lied about their abilities and then doubled down like they weren’t gon get called out


    6. I do wish I knew more than I do. I know just “enough” to do about 99% of my work. But when that last 1% shows up, it becomes time-consuming. Unfortunately, it will be increasing, soon.

      Would be nice if Microsoft’s AI, whenever it actually works, could just take a description of what I want and do the formulas and everything itself.

    7. Glittering-Spite234 on

      My boss has implemented pretty much everything we need to use at work on Google spreadsheets, even stuff that has nothing to do with spreadsheets. I swear to god one of these days he’s going to invoke Cthulu with the kind of stuff he uses spreadsheets for…

    8. If I could share the last spreadsheet they were using at my last contract…you’d laugh to death.

      At the best of times I struggle to keep a neutral face, so when I saw it my face changed and my internal thoughts slipped out *cue sour looking face* “what is this??? Is this what you are using?” (Week 1 of the meeting but my 2nd week of being in the team)

      The colleague didn’t understand even the most basic functions so –

      1.she manually was multiplying risk scores – there were no formulas.

      2. She didn’t know about conditional formatting so would manually colour based on risk score. However she was using different shades of red (though she managed to use same amber/green /blue)

      3. No text formatting so it was diff sizes

      4. She hadn’t gotten the hang of how to copy and paste so would sometimes paste and overwrite stuff.

      There were so many other things wrong.

      After that first week of her going through the RAID, in the second week I said “I’m sorry this is giving me anxiety I don’t mind using my personal time to fix this as I can’t use it”. (Yes I was a dick but you don’t understand it was that bad)

      I used an old template I had so it didn’t take long and I locked certain cells / columns and used validations so people couldn’t overwrite. I also took over the RAID meeting as she was killing me slowly with how she done it and I could see everyone was thankful.

      Example: we’d get a strategic update and she’d wanna type it verbatim and then ask person to repeat multiple times so she could get it.

      Me: hear what they said first time, summarise it and then tidy up post meeting before providing link and asking for comments.

      Her boss even called me and was like “thanks for doing this. “I” did what she could but it clearly wasn’t in her wheelhouse. Appreciate how you’ve come in a shook things up as we got a bit complacent”

      Y’all “managers” are ranked/ graded higher than me and none of you couldn’t have knocked out something..anything…better?!

      That job was painful but I stayed to get paid until the pay no longer outweighed my peace of mind and sanity.

    9. At my college it was a course. I’m glad I took it. It was probably one of the most useful courses I took in college. I use Excel everyday for my job.

    10. My parents taught me “hands in pockets” when I’m in a store. They didn’t worry about me stealing anything, but didn’t want me accidentally breaking anything that they’d have to buy.

      Same energy when people add me to a doc. Not my shit, I don’t touch anything I’m not told to.

    11. We learned how to evaluate sources and that only white people can be racist in my 3rd college English 2 class.

    12. I was a business major and we did have an Excel course. It’s helped a ton. Wish I kept the textbook honestly

    13. Now wait until you learn there is legit Competitive Excel matches like fucking E-Sports lmfao. Made my Excel skills look like dog shit

    14. As someone who has to use Excel a lot but is not great with Excel and too stupid/stubborn to get better, chatgpt has been a fucking life saver. You literally just ask it “I’m trying to do this and that, can you write me a formula?” Beep boop boop and boom I have the perfect formula, copy and paste that shit. It even explains the rationale for coming up with the formula so I accidentally learn things along the way. It’s definitely the best use I’ve found for chatgpt personally.

    15. Subject-Valuable-555 on

      I’m currently making a how to use excel for my boss 🤣😩. It’s stressing me out but I needed this laugh.

    16. I wish people would actually try to learn the basics of MS Office in general… It’s such an important skill to have in a corporate environment but so many people take it for granted and just lie in their resume.

    17. I’ve been using excel for the best part of 20-30 years. I can’t seem to pass the LinkedIn learning exam for it lol

    18. Most actually productive course I had in college was half excel and half access. The access stuff wasn’t super useful but it was an ok intro to databases and pseudo sql

    19. BarbellsandBurritos on

      Hey now, some of us got in at the right time and owe their whole careers to boomer management and having the ability to pivot and lookup.

    20. haveutried2hardboot on

      My son is in HS and took the excel course elective. It’s just a good idea. I think I am okay at it, enough for my job or to understand the metrics and story I need to tell, but I would have to watch a video or two to do a macro.

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