Worst trim

    by LynetaDmers


    1. Why are all the white supremacists always the worst examples of white genetics?

      Like where has he lost his chin?

    2. I’m going with last minute replacement wig, that he quickly cut to fit his face right before the presentation.

    3. Standard_Fix_978 on

      We had a guy in our shop who would trim his own hair. He was not good at it. He might come in three or four days in a row with adjustments on his original trim job. Dude made good money, go to a pro.

    4. It’s because they won’t let him wear his helmet indoors.

      Little does he understand that everyone knows he’s a helmet.

    5. I’m curious if that’s even his real hair tbh. I don’t know if it’s just the lighting or what but it’s looking a lot like a wig to me.

    6. ConnectionOk8273 on

      They say some extremists purposely have stupid hair, so you’ll just focus and make fun of that instead of his policies !

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