It all makes sense now

    by DaMain-Man


    1. That’s just terrible planning then

      They should be made to scan in AND out and only paid if they stay the whole time

      They can’t even bribe people efficiently

    2. I’m skeptical about this for several reasons.

      * GOP propaganda programming has been alleging this gimmick is happening at Democrat events for decades. They claim over and over that attendees of events, protests, rallies, etc are only there because they’re being paid. No evidence has ever surfaced.

      * The GOP/RNC is flat broke. What little funds they do have are being used by DonOLD for grifting, legal judgements, lifestyle expenses, and pocket-lining. They’re not going to part with cash to pay people to simply appear.

      * Again – no evidence. It’s an easy myth to perpetuate because it assumes that the people getting the cash won’t talk about it. Social media proves that stupid people will often brag about stupid things.

      Unless evidence surfaces, this one is a myth.

    3. It’s more than likely that people are just bored of the same talking points for the last 10 years and his low energy due to aging, and an increased lack of coherence.

    4. I always assumed they were so inspired by his words that they simply couldn’t what to enact his incredible ideas. You know, saving birds from windmills and getting Hannibal Lecter his shopping.

    5. I will believe it when someone shows the money trail. Right after the IRS starts an audit of Trump’s organizations. Allowing billionaires is just allowing people to be above the law. Our system cannot deliver justice when one side has so much money, justice can be denied or delayed indefinitely. Trump knew that and he is doing just that. Delaying until a sweetheart deal is given or he can bribe the next prosecutor/judge/president/etc. to get off. If we don’t stop billionaires, what will we do when we have a trillionaire? We might as well go back to a monarchy.

    6. Come one. Let’s not use the same bullshit accusations that the right uses agains us. This isn’t happening.

    7. Life hack: Get a whole lot of Harris peeps to attend and get paid. When they do forward it to Harris campaign. LOL.

    8. Why hasn’t the fourth estate tasked some stringers to interview as many rally attendees as they leave in droves as to exactly why they are leaving the event.

    9. They could just be leaving because he is acting like a child and has nothing better to say than calling Kamala “stupid”

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