“I am Kamala Harris and I approve this message”

    by MoreMotivation


    1. If I lose you will never hear from me ever again. I can’t wait till this guy dies or just endless prosecution where he will probably die from exhaustion due to his so many criminal trials.

    2. He only needs to start worrying once Garland is fired – you know, the AG who has as many prosecutions of treasonous executives as the last AG…

    3. everythingbeeps on

      I have never seen a person go literally insane from panic before.

      Trump is absolutely terrified. We are maybe a week away from him literally *begging.*

    4. I can not say this emphatically or clearly enough, but…

      # GOOD!

      In the almost decade since you rose to political prominence, I have watched in horror as you have emboldened and instigated such warped reality, spearheaded a movement of deliberate ignorance and willful stupidity, and broken every written and common law of morality, decency, and sanity with barely a slap on the wrist. You ruined lives, undermined conventions, and openly and shamelessly violated the very foundations of this nation and her people. And did it all in the name of your own self aggrandizing and personal profit. In a sane world, you’d have be dragged out of the White House in irons on Jan 7th, stripped of every ill gotten asset you ever scammed, and be rotting in a military prison right now facing at best incarnation for the rest of your sorry, miserable life.

      “Not going to be pleasant” is the very, very ***least*** that should happen to you.

    5. Could always just do us all a favor then, donnie, go pull an elvis at 3 a.m. on the toilet while twattering. It’s the kindest thing you can do for this country.

    6. My wish…he strokes out,his brain is still functioning, as in he knows what’s happening, but his body says no,so he sits in his own shit,dribbling all day,hoping someone will change his diaper.

    7. What traitor trump and his MAGAts will do if they win, and what they’re projecting we’ll do if we win: Kristallnacht, followed by a banana republic mockery of America’s corpse.

      What Kamala and us will do if we win: *Maybe* lock the orange fascist up for his many crimes for the rest of his life, *if* we can get him in front of an AG with a spine.

    8. C’mon. I’m already sold on voting for Kamala. You don’t need to keep sweetening the deal.

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